
Applied Mathematics B.S.

Information and Policies


Applied mathematics is a field of research specializing in the development and application of analytical and numerical tools and techniques toward the solution of complex quantitative problems in science and engineering. A Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Applied Mathematics prepares graduates for careers in the industry (usually in research and development) or academia (either in teaching and/or in research at university or governmental laboratories or agencies). It can be a terminal degree, or prepare students for graduate school in applied mathematics or related fields.

The applied mathematics major at UC Santa Cruz provides students with a holistic training in mathematical modeling. The core of the degree program includes six courses that introduce modern analytical (and semi-analytical) techniques as well as general aspects of scientific computing. Students gain further depth or breadth by taking two (or more) electives among a large list of upper-division or graduate courses offered by applied mathematics faculty or in related subject areas. Finally, students learn to apply the techniques and tools learned through two capstone courses that focus on modeling “real- life” quantitative problems in science and engineering. In these courses, students also learn additional skills such as mathematical abstraction, critical thinking, and disciplinary communication.

The major has been designed to allow students to easily pursue an additional minor or major in an area of applications of mathematics (such as physics, astrophysics, Earth sciences, computer sciences, computer engineering, electrical engineering), and/or to pursue the 4+1 pathway into the Master of Science (M.S.) degree program in Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics also offered by the Department of Applied Mathematics.

Academic Advising for the Program

The Baskin School of Engineering (BSOE) Undergraduate Advising Office is located in the Baskin Engineering Building, Room 225. It can be contacted by email at advising@soe.ucsc.edu or at the Undergraduate Advising website.

Transfer students to the program should consult the Transfer Students section of the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Affairs page.

Getting Started in the Major

It is recommended that high school students intending to apply to this major have completed four years of mathematics (through advanced algebra and trigonometry) and three years of science in high school. Comparable college mathematics and science courses completed at another institution also serve to properly prepare students for these majors

Program Learning Outcomes

Recipients of a B.S. degree in applied mathematics at UC Santa Cruz are expected to have the following skills and experiences:

  1. To be able to take a real-life science or engineering problem, and create a mathematical model for it, under supervision of a professor.
  2. To be competent with a number of analytical methods for the solution of linear algebra problems, ordinary and partial differential equations.
  3. To be competent with constructing numerical algorithms for the solution of linear algebra problems and ordinary differential equations.
  4. To be competent in at least two scientific computing languages such as: Fortran, C, Python, R, Matlab, etc. and to be familiar  with other computational elements such as Unix-type operating systems, the use of compilers, professional scientific computing libraries, efficient IO algorithms, data visualization tools, etc.
  5. To be able to analyze critically the results from the model obtained, and identify when the model is inappropriate.
  6. To be able to communicate clearly and coherently with professionals (orally and/or in writing), in order to: (1) understand what is needed of the mathematical model prior to the investigation; and (2) report on the results of the model after the investigation

Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process

Major Qualification

In order to be admitted into the applied mathematics major, students must be listed as a proposed major within the School of Engineering or within the Division of Physical and Biological Sciences. Please refer to Prepare to Declare a BSOE Major.

Transfers to the program should consult the Transfer Students section of the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Affairs page.

In addition to being listed as a proposed School of Engineering or Physical and Biological Sciences major, admission to the applied mathematics major is based on passing the following foundational courses:

Foundation Courses
One of the following series:
Either these courses

MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


or these courses

MATH 20AHonors Calculus


MATH 20BHonors Calculus


Plus these courses:
AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


Plus one of the following:
AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


Plus one of the following:
AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


MATH 24Ordinary Differential Equations


Declaration of the major can happen no sooner than the student's second quarter, and no later than the campus deadline.

At most, one unsuccessful attempt (grade C-, D+, D, D-, F, or NP) for a foundation course is permitted.

Appeal Process

Denials of admission to the major may be appealed by submitting a letter to the School of Engineering Undergraduate Advising office, addressed to the program  undergraduate director within 15 days from the date the notification was mailed. The appeal letter must describe why the prior performance is not an accurate reflection of the student's potential. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the Undergraduate Advising office will notify the student and their college of the decision.

How to Declare a Major

There are five steps to declaring a BSOE major. For a detailed guide to this process, please consult Baskin Engineering's Declare Your Major website.

Transfer Information and Policy

Transfer Admission Screening Policy

To be considered for admission to the applied mathematics major, incoming transfer students should complete the following courses:

All of the following courses:
AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


Plus one of the following options:
Either these courses

MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


or these courses

MATH 20AHonors Calculus


MATH 20BHonors Calculus


Transfer students should have completed as many general education requirements as possible if they wish to graduate in two years.

Getting Started at UCSC as a Transfer Student

Transfer students should declare their major in their first quarter at UC Santa Cruz. Instructions for declaring a major in the Baskin School of Engineering are on the department's major declaration page.

Letter Grade Policy

The Baskin School of Engineering requires letter grades for all courses in an engineering major.

Course Substitution Policy

Undergraduate engineering students who wish to substitute a major course with a course from UC Santa Cruz must first consult the School of Engineering Undergraduate Advising Office. The advising office requires a Petition for Course Substitution be approved before credit for an alternate course can be applied to any School of Engineering major requirement. Petition forms are available at the undergraduate advising office and online.

Petitions and procedures for approval must be obtained from and submitted to the Undergraduate Advising Office.

Double Major Policy

Students who are planning a double-major with physics can replace the AM 100, AM 112 and STAT 131 (or CSE 107) courses with the PHYS 116A, PHYS 116B, and PHYS 116C series. Special approval by both undergraduate directors will be required to do so.


Students must obtain a GPA of 3.8 or higher in the courses in the major to be considered for the distinction of “Highest Honors in the Major.” Students must obtain a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the courses in the major to be considered for the distinction of “Honors in the Major.” The School of Engineering reserves the right to withhold honors based on other criteria, such as an incident of academic dishonesty.

School of Engineering Policies

Please refer to the School of Engineering's Admission to School of Engineering Majors section of the catalog for additional policies that apply to all School of Engineering programs. These policies include admission to the major and the need for students to obtain preapproval before taking courses elsewhere.

Requirements and Planners
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Course Requirements

Course requirements are divided into foundational lower-division courses and advanced upper-division courses:

Lower-Division Courses

Choose one of the following series:
Either these courses

MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


or these courses

MATH 20AHonors Calculus


MATH 20BHonors Calculus


Credit for one or both MATH 19A and MATH 19B may be granted with adequate performance on the CEEB calculus AB or BC Advanced Placement examinations.

Plus one of the following courses:
AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


AM 10 is preferred.

Plus one of the following courses:
AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


MATH 24Ordinary Differential Equations


AM 20 is preferred.

Plus one of the following options:
AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


or these courses

MATH 23AVector Calculus


MATH 23BVector Calculus


AM 30 is preferred.

Plus the following course:
CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


Plus one of the following programming courses
CSE 20Beginning Programming in Python


CSE 13SComputer Systems and C Programming


CSE 13EEmbedded Systems and C Programming


The programming requirement can be satisfied if students have a prior programming course, AP credit, or clearing the “Test-out” bar.

Lower-Division Electives

Students are required to take two lower-division electives from the  following list, in preparation for the-upper division electives they are later required to take. Students are encouraged to plan ahead carefully in consultation with undergraduate advising in making their selection.

EART, ECE, PHYS lower-division electives

Students interested in EART, ECE, PHYS upper-division electives should consider taking some of the following PHYS lower-division electives:

PHYS 5AIntroduction to Physics I


PHYS 5BIntroduction to Physics II


PHYS 5CIntroduction to Physics III


PHYS 6AIntroductory Physics I


PHYS 6BIntroductory Physics II


PHYS 6CIntroductory Physics III


Only one course out of PHYS 5A and PHYS 6A, one course out of PHYS 5B and PHYS 6B, and one course out of PHYS 5C and PHYS 6C can be taken. Several of these courses have corequisite lab courses.

CSE or ECE lower-division electives

Students interested in CSE or ECE upper-division electives should consider taking some of the following CSE or ECE lower-division electives (in addition to possible PHYS electives):

CSE 30Programming Abstractions: Python


ECE 9Statics and Mechanics of Materials


ECON lower-division electives

Students interested in ECON upper-division electives should consider taking some of the following ECON or STAT lower-division electives:

ECON 1Introductory Microeconomics: Resource Allocation and Market Structure


ECON 2Introductory Macroeconomics: Aggregate Economic Activity


STAT 5Statistics


Lower-division electives for mathematical biology

Students interested in mathematical biology (in particular AM 115) should consider taking some of the following BIOL or BIOE lower-division electives:

BIOL 20ACell and Molecular Biology


BIOE 20CEcology and Evolution


Upper-Division Courses

Complete the following core courses:
AM 100Mathematical Methods for Engineers


AM 147Computational Methods and Applications


Plus one of the following courses:
AM 112Introduction to Partial Differential Equations


AM 212AApplied Partial Differential Equations


Plus one of the following courses:
AM 114Introduction to Dynamical Systems


AM 214Applied Dynamical Systems


Plus one of the following courses:
AM 129Foundations of Scientific Computing for Scientists and Engineers


AM 209Foundations of Scientific Computing


Plus one of the following courses:
STAT 131Introduction to Probability Theory


CSE 107Probability and Statistics for Engineers


Students who intend to pursue an M.S. degree in scientific computing and applied mathematics later are strongly encouraged to take the AM 212A and AM 214 options.

Upper-Division Electives

Students are required to take three upper-division elective courses from the following list of possible electives. Note that many of these electives have lower- division prerequisites. Students should plan carefully which ones to take to ensure they are prepared for their selected upper-division electives. Also note that enrollment in the graduate courses is by permission of the instructor, who will verify adequate preparation.

Possible AM Electives

Any 5-credit upper-division AM course that is not already a core course. Any 5-credit graduate AM course with the exception of AM 200, AM 209, AM 211, AM 212A and AM 214.

Possible CSE Electives

Note that many require lower-division CSE courses. Lecture-lab combinations count as one course.

CSE 101Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms


CSE 102Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms


CSE 106Applied Graph Theory and Algorithms


CSE 140Artificial Intelligence


CSE 142Machine Learning


CSE 144Applied Machine Learning


CSE 160Introduction to Computer Graphics


CSE 160LIntroduction to Computer Graphics Laboratory


CSE 161Introduction to Data Visualization


CSE 161LData Visualization Laboratory


CSE 162Advanced Computer Graphics and Animation


CSE 162LAdvanced Computer Graphics and Animation Laboratory


Note that most of these courses require CSE 101 as prerequisite and that enrollment restrictions vary and might apply to any of the CSE courses listed here on short notice. CSE 101, CSE 102, CSE 140, CSE 142, CSE 144 are courses for which enrollment restrictions may apply, and that may only be appropriate for double-majors (or major-minor combinations). CSE 162 & CSE 162L is a course that has more than one upper-division prerequisite beyond those that are already part of the core requirements. This course may only be appropriate for double-majors (or major-minor combinations).

Possible EART Electives

Note that many require lower-division PHYS or CHEM courses:

EART 124Modeling Earth's Climate


EART 160Planetary Science


EART 162Planetary Interiors


Either of the following courses:
EART 125Statistics and Data Analysis in the Geosciences


EART 225Statistics and Data Analysis in the Geosciences


Either of the following courses:
EART 172
/OCEA 172
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics


EART 272
/OCEA 272
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics


Possible ECE Electives
Lecture-lab combinations count as one course.
ECE 101Introduction to Electronic Circuits


ECE 101LIntroduction to Electronic Circuits Laboratory


ECE 103Signals and Systems


ECE 115Introduction to Solid Mechanics


ECE 135Electromagnetic Fields and Waves


ECE 135LElectromagnetic Fields and Waves Laboratory


ECE 141Feedback Control Systems


ECE 153Digital Signal Processing


Note that most of these courses require ECE 101 as prerequisite. ECE 141 and ECE 153 are courses that have more than one upper-division prerequisite beyond those that are already part of the core requirements. These courses may only be appropriate for double-majors (or major-minor combinations).

Possible ECON Electives

Note that many require ECON lower-division courses:

ECON 100MIntermediate Microeconomics, Math Intensive


ECON 100NIntermediate Macroeconomics, Math Intensive


ECON 113Introduction to Econometrics


/CSE 166A
Game Theory and Applications I


ECON 166A is a course that has more than one upper-division prerequisite beyond those that are already part of the core requirements. This course may only be appropriate for double-majors (or major-minor combinations).

Possible MATH Electives
MATH 105AReal Analysis


MATH 110Introduction to Number Theory


MATH 111AAlgebra


MATH 111TAlgebra


MATH 115Graph Theory


MATH 116Combinatorics


MATH 117Advanced Linear Algebra


MATH 118Advanced Number Theory


MATH 120Coding Theory


MATH 134Cryptography


MATH 160Mathematical Logic I


Note that many MATH electives require MATH 100 as a prerequisite.

Possible OCEA Electives

Note that some require lower-division PHYS electives, or upper-division ESCI electives:

OCEA 260
/EART 260
Introductory Data Analysis in the Ocean and Earth Sciences


OCEA 286Introduction to Ocean Modeling


Either of the following courses:
OCEA 100Physical Oceanography


OCEA 200Physical Oceanography


Either of the following courses:
OCEA 111Climate Dynamics


OCEA 211Climate Dynamics


Possible PHYS Electives

Note that many require lower-division PHYS courses:

PHYS 105Mechanics


PHYS 110AElectricity, Magnetism, and Optics


PHYS 110BElectricity, Magnetism, and Optics


PHYS 139AQuantum Mechanics I


PHYS 139BQuantum Mechanics II


PHYS 150Quantum Computing


PHYS 171
/ASTR 171
General Relativity, Black Holes, and Cosmology


The prerequisites of PHYS 116A, PHYS 116B, and PHYS 116C is waived for students who have taken AM 100 and AM 112 and STAT 131 (or CSE 107).

PHYS 139A, PHYS 139B, PHYS 171 are courses that have more than one upper-division prerequisite beyond those that are already part of the core requirements. These courses may only be appropriate for double majors (or major-minor combinations).

Possible STAT Electives
STAT 132Classical and Bayesian Inference


All students, but especially those doing a double major or a major-minor combination, may also petition to count courses that are not already on the list as electives, subject to approval

Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement

The DC requirement in the Applied Mathematics B.S. is satisfied by completing the capstone course AM 170A (see below).

Comprehensive Requirement

Students satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement by receiving a passing grade in the two Mathematical Modeling courses:

AM 170AMathematical Modeling 1


AM 170BMathematical Modeling 2




The following are four sample academic plans that students can use to plan their sequence of courses in the major. The first two plans are suggested guidelines for students who begin their studies in their frosh year. Such students, if they plan carefully, will have several openings free to take other breadth courses they find interesting, or pursue an additional minor or major. The other two plans are for students transferring to UC Santa Cruz as juniors.

Plan One: This planner is for a student entering UCSC in their frosh year who is prepared to go directly into MATH 19A or MATH 20A.

Fall Winter Spring
1st Year MATH 19A CSE 20 AM 20
AM 10 Lower div elective CSE 16
  MATH 19B  
2nd Year AM 30   STAT 131

Lower-div elective  
3rd Year AM 100 AM 170A Upper-div elective
AM 114 AM 112
Upper-div elective   
4th Year AM 129 AM 147
AM 170B
Upper-div elective  

The SI general education requirement is satisfied by passing the capstone course AM 170B. The MF general education requirement is satisfied by passing any of the lower-division mathematical foundations requirements.

Plan Two: This planner is for a student entering UCSC their frosh year who needs to take preparatory courses prior to MATH 19A to ensure a successful outcome in this course.

  Fall Winter Spring
1st Year MATH 2 MATH 3 MATH 19A
  Lower div elective Lower div elective
2nd Year AM 10 AM 20 AM 30
MATH 19B CSE 20 CSE 16
3rd Year AM 100 AM 112
AM 114 STAT 131 Upper-div elective
Upper-div elective    
4th Year AM 129 AM 147 AM 170B
Upper-div elective AM 170A  

The SI general education requirement is satisfied by passing the capstone course AM 170B. The MF general education requirement is satisfied by passing any of the lower-division mathematical foundations requirements.

Plan Three: This is a sample planner for a transfer student. It assumes the student has taken the majority of their general education requirements prior to joining UCSC.

  Fall Winter Spring
Junior Year CSE 20
AM 112
Upper-div elective
AM 100  STAT 131  
Lower-div elective Lower-div elective  
Senior Year AM 114 AM 170A AM 170B
AM 129 AM 147  
Upper-div elective Upper-div elective  

Plan Four: This is a sample planner for a transfer student interested in the 4+1 program (e.g. thesis track; replace Independent Study with M.S. elective for coursework track). Note that students must take the graduate version of PDEs and Dynamical Systems courses (212A and 214 respectively) to count toward the M.S. core requirements. One additional elective must be taken during the M.S. year to ensure that there are at least 35 credits taken as a graduate student.

  Fall Winter Spring
Junior Year CSE 20 AM 212A Upper-div elective
AM 100 STAT 131  
Lower-div elective Lower-div elective  
Senior Year AM 129 AM 147 AM 170B
AM 214 AM 170A Upper-div elective
Upper-div elective    
M.S. Year M.S. elective AM 213A AM 213B
M.S. elective   AM 250
Indep Study Indep Study