
Politics Designated Emphasis


Graduate students in politics may obtain a designated emphasis on the politics Ph.D. diploma indicating they have completed an additional specialized course of study in another department that offers a designated emphasis. Please consult the department of interest for more information.

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To receive a designated emphasis in politics, graduate students from other departments must complete the following requirements in addition to degree requirements for the doctorate in their home (or coordinating) department.

Committee Composition and Departmental Approvals

The student must have a designated faculty advisor from among the politics core faculty. This advisor will be in addition to the faculty advisor from the student’s home department. The politics advisor must serve on the student’s qualifying examination committee and on the student’s dissertation committee.

Course Requirements

The student must take four (4) graduate courses offered by the Politics Department. Two of these courses must be core courses (Political and Social Thought, Political Institutions, Political Economy, or Social Forces) and two courses may be electives appropriate to the student’s thesis research. No more than one of these two elective courses may be an independent study.

POLI 200APolitical and Social Thought Core Seminar


POLI 200BSocial Forces and Political Change Core Seminar


POLI 200CStates and Political Institutions Core Seminar


POLI 200DPolitical Economy Core Seminar


Writing, Research and/or Teaching Requirements

The student must prepare a significant piece of writing in the area of politics. This writing may take the form of a doctoral dissertation chapter or a paper to be submitted for publication.