Lower-Division Courses
All of the following courses
ECON1 | Introductory Microeconomics: Resource Allocation and Market Structure | 5 |
ECON2 | Introductory Macroeconomics: Aggregate Economic Activity | 5 |
| Mathematical Methods for Economists I | 5 |
| Mathematical Methods for Economists II | 5 |
Plus one of the following options
Plus one of the following
ENVS23 | The Physical and Chemical Environment | 5 |
CHEM1A | General Chemistry | 5 |
Plus one of the following
Plus the following
ENVS25 | Environmental Policy and Economics | 5 |
Plus one of the following
ANTH2 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 5 |
PHIL22 | Introduction to Ethical Theory | 5 |
PHIL24 | Introduction to Ethics: Contemporary Moral Issues | 5 |
PHIL28 | Environmental Ethics | 5 |
| Bioethics in the 21st Century: Science, Business, and Society | 5 |
SOCY1 | Introduction to Sociology | 5 |
SOCY10 | Issues and Problems in American Society | 5 |
SOCY15 | World Society | 5 |
Upper-Division Courses
One of the following
ECON100A | Intermediate Microeconomics | 5 |
ECON100M | Intermediate Microeconomics, Math Intensive | 5 |
And all of the following
ECON113 | Introduction to Econometrics | 5 |
ENVS100 | Ecology and Society | 3 |
ENVS100L | Ecology and Society Writing Laboratory | 5 |
Six upper-division elective courses, three in economics and three in environmental studies.
Economics electives
Economics electives must be chosen from the following list:
ECON100B | Intermediate Macroeconomics | 5 |
ECON100N | Intermediate Macroeconomics, Math Intensive | 5 |
ECON101 | Managerial Economics | 5 |
ECON114 | Advanced Quantitative Methods | 5 |
ECON115 | Introduction to Management Sciences | 5 |
ECON120 | Development Economics | 5 |
/LGST 128
| Poverty and Public Policy | 5 |
ECON130 | Money and Banking | 5 |
ECON131 | International Financial Markets | 5 |
ECON133 | Security Markets and Financial Institutions | 5 |
ECON135 | Corporate Finance | 5 |
ECON136 | Business Strategy | 5 |
ECON138 | The Economics and Management of Technology and Innovation | 5 |
ECON139A | The Economics of Electronic Commerce | 5 |
ECON139B | E-Commerce Strategy | 5 |
ECON140 | International Trade | 5 |
ECON141 | International Finance | 5 |
ECON142 | Advanced Topics in International Economics | 5 |
ECON150 | Public Finance | 5 |
ECON156 | Health Care and Medical Economics | 5 |
ECON159 | The Economics of Organizations | 5 |
/LGST 160A
| Industrial Organization | 5 |
ECON160B | Government and Industry | 5 |
ECON161A | Marketing | 5 |
/LGST 162
| Legal Environment of Business | 5 |
ECON165 | Economics as an Experimental Science | 5 |
/LGST 169
| Economic Analysis of the Law | 5 |
ECON175 | Energy Economics | 5 |
ECON180 | Labor Economics | 5 |
/LGST 183
| Women in the Economy | 5 |
Environmental studies electives
Environmental studies electives must be chosen from those numbered ENVS 101-ENVS 179, with at least one course based in the natural sciences selected from the following upper-division courses (lecture and lab combinations count as a single course):
ENVS104A | Introduction to Environmental Field Methods | 5 |
ENVS104L | Field Methods Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS106A | Natural History of Birds | 5 |
ENVS107A | Natural History Field Quarter | 5 |
ENVS107B | Natural History Field Quarter | 5 |
ENVS107C | Natural History Field Quarter | 5 |
ENVS108 | General Entomology | 5 |
ENVS108L | General Entomology Laboratory | 3 |
/ENVS 109A
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Ecological Field Methods | 5 |
/ENVS 109B
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Ecological Field Methods Laboratory | 5 |
/ENVS 109C
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Functions and Processes of Terrestrial Ecosystems | 5 |
/ENVS 109D
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Conservation in Practice | 4 |
ENVS120 | Conservation Biology | 5 |
ENVS121 | Landscape Ecology | 5 |
ENVS122 | Tropical Ecology and Conservation | 5 |
ENVS123 | Animal Ecology and Conservation | 5 |
/ENVS 125
| Ecosystems of California | 5 |
ENVS129 | Integrated Pest Management | 5 |
ENVS129L | Integrated Pest Management Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS130A | Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture | 5 |
ENVS130L | Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS130C | Field Experiences in Agroecology and Sustainable Food | 5 |
ENVS131 | Insect Ecology | 5 |
ENVS133 | Agroecology Practicum | 5 |
ENVS138 | Field Ethnobotany | 5 |
ENVS160 | Restoration Ecology | 5 |
ENVS161A | Soils and Plant Nutrition | 5 |
ENVS161L | Soils and Plant Nutrition Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS162 | Plant Physiological Ecology | 5 |
ENVS162L | Plant Physiological Ecology Laboratory | 2 |
ENVS163 | Plant Disease Ecology | 5 |
ENVS163L | Plant Disease Ecology Lab | 2 |
ENVS164 | Projects and Practices in Soil Ecology | 5 |
ENVS166 | Agroecosystem Analysis and Watershed Management | 5 |
ENVS167 | Freshwater and Wetland Ecology | 5 |
ENVS167L | Freshwater and Wetland Ecology Lab | 2 |
ENVS168 | Biogeochemistry and the Global Environment | 5 |
ENVS169 | Climate Change Ecology | 5 |
ENVS170 | Agriculture and Climate Change | 5 |
None of the three environmental studies upper-division courses can be an environmental studies internship, individual study or substitution course.
A list of all courses offered by the Environmental Studies Department is available here. A list of which upper-division courses offered in the current year by the Environmental Studies Department are based in the natural sciences and in the social sciences is available here.
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy that major's upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement for the environmental studies/economics combined major is satisfied by completing:
The following courses:
ENVS100 | Ecology and Society | 3 |
ENVS100L | Ecology and Society Writing Laboratory | 5 |
Plus one of the following
/ENVS 109B
| Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Ecological Field Methods Laboratory | 5 |
ENVS183B | Senior Internship | 5 |
ENVS190 | Capstone Course: Environmental Problem Solving | 5 |
ENVS195B | Senior Thesis Group | 5 |
ENVS196 | Senior Seminar | 5 |
Comprehensive Requirement
Students satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement by completing both of the following:
- One of the options for environmental studies B.A.; and
- Pass those portions of the economics comprehensive examination administered in ECON 100A and ECON 113.
The senior comprehensive may be satisfied by completing one of the options listed below. All courses used to satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement must be taken for a letter grade.
Before enrolling in the senior thesis or senior internship option, students must formally apply to work with a particular faculty mentor very early in their thesis or project preparation. The senior thesis and senior internship option require careful planning, additional independent research, and at least a two-quarter commitment.
Students with advanced skills in one of the graduate focal areas may also take a graduate seminar by invitation from the instructor.
The following are two sample academic plans for students pursuing the environmental studies B.A. major without a concentration. Plan One is for incoming frosh and Plan Two is for incoming transfer students.
Plan One for Incoming Frosh
*This course is also offered in the spring term.
Students completing this major will have satisfied the SI, IN, PE-E, IS, PE-H, MF, and PR-E general education requirements. In addition, they will need to fulfill all remaining university, college, and general education requirements.
Plan Two for Incoming Transfer Students
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
3rd (junior) |
ECON 100A or ECON 100M |
ECON 113 |
Upper-division ENVS
(natural sciences) |
Upper-division ECON |
ENVS 100 & ENVS 100L |
4th (senior) |
Upper-division ENVS
Upper-division ENVS |
requirement |
Upper-division ECON |
Upper-division ECON |
This planner assumes that a student has completed all required lower-division courses—including UCSC or community college general education requirements.
A transfer student who has completed the requirements for the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) before matriculating at UC Santa Cruz, with at most two course requirements left to complete, is allowed to satisfy IGETC in lieu of the UCSC general education requirements.
Plan One for Incoming Frosh
1st (frosh)
MATH 3 or AM3
ENVS 23 or
2nd (soph)
ENVS 24 or BIOE 20C
ENVS 100 & ENVS 100L*
Upper-division ENVS
3rd (junior)
Upper-division ENVS
(social science)
Upper-division ENVS
(natural science)
Upper-division ENVS
4th (senior)
Upper-division ENVS
Upper-division ENVS
Upper-division ENVS
*This course is also offered in the spring term.