
Theater Arts M.A.


The Theater Arts Department offers a 12-month Master of Arts (M.A.) in Theater Arts degree, which serves as a bridge from undergraduate work to professional work in a range of performance-related fields. It can also place students in an excellent position to pursue further graduate academic work, such as an M.F.A. or Ph.D.

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Course Requirements

Students are required to complete 40 credits for the M.A. in Theater Arts.

This includes three graduate seminars for a total of 15 credits:

THEA 290AText Analysis


THEA 290BPerformance Histories


THEA 290CPerformance Analysis


These courses are required of all M.A. candidates, regardless of their area of emphasis.

Students must also complete a 10-credit performance research project that includes a professional internship project:

THEA 293Performance Research Project


Students may take this course in any quarter in the academic year, though it is advised that the internship portion be completed during the summer before the regular M.A. program begins. This work will be supervised and assessed by a theater arts faculty member.

Students must also complete the following three 5-credit courses:

THEA 294
/DANM 294
Future Stages


THEA 295Group Critique


THEA 299Capstone Thesis


The Theater Arts M.A. is offered under the Plan II (capstone) option. A capstone paper is written in conjunction with the THEA 299 Capstone Thesis course.

M.A. students will also have the opportunity to complete an additional 5 credits or more of independent study work in their area of interest; for example, participation in a department production or an upper-division undergraduate or graduate course in Theater Arts or in another department. These courses must be approved in advance by the graduate committee and graduate director.

There are no teaching requirements for graduate students in the Theater Arts M.A program; however, students are encouraged to act as teaching assistants, as positions are available, at UC Santa Cruz.

For additional information, please visit the department website or contact the Theater Arts Department and the UCSC Graduate Division.