
Philosophy M.A.


The M.A. program is host to talented students from diverse academic backgrounds. The program is open not only to applicants who majored in philosophy as undergraduates, but also to applicants from other disciplines, who have a significant background in philosophy and who now want to study philosophy more intensively. The program is designed to be completed in one to two years.

Preparation for the Master’s Degree

Students can apply to be admitted into the graduate program to pursue the M.A. in philosophy. Interested students should discuss the possibility with one or more faculty members and formally apply online to the graduate program during fall quarter. For up-to-date information about the application process, consult the department’s website and contact the graduate adviser.

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Course Requirements

Requirements in the First Year

During their first year, all graduate students are expected to fulfill a set of breadth requirements. These requirements are designed to provide both a common experience on which students can build their individual projects and a shared framework within which they can exchange ideas. Every graduate student in philosophy is required to complete six courses in their first year. These six core courses will constitute the bare minimum of courses required for the M.A. or Ph.D.

This minimal core set of courses will consist of (i) three graduate seminars, designated by the department each year as mandatory for every first year student, and (ii) three electives (any three graduate seminars in philosophy). Of the three required seminars, one will be in metaphysics/epistemology, one in the history of philosophy, and one in moral philosophy.

No courses labeled PHIL 294 or higher will satisfy any of these minimum core requirements. This restriction is redundant for PHIL 299 (since that course is open only to students who have advanced to candidacy). The point of this restriction is to limit the use of independent studies, reading groups or student seminars for graduate seminar credit.

During their first year of study all students must pass a logic competency examination with a grade of B or better. This examination will cover material typically taught in a first course in formal logic.

To facilitate the professionalization of students in the exchange and development of academic knowledge and skills, all first- and second-year doctoral students will be required to enroll in:

PHIL 280Graduate Colloquia Course


PHIL 281The Pedagogy of Philosophy


PHIL 280, Graduate Colloquia Course, provides preparation for and requires attendance at all department-sponsored colloquia and works-in-progress presentations each quarter.

PHIL 281, The Pedagogy of Philosophy, provides training in university-level teaching in general and in the pedagogy of philosophy specifically. It meets during the fall quarter only.

For further details, see the department’s web page or consult with the department’s graduate adviser.


A minimum of nine graduate courses. Up to two courses may be taken from the offerings of other departments, and up to two courses may be independent studies.

Other Requirements

By the end of the second year of study and the completion of 45 credits, M.A. students will submit a master's capstone paper, which will normally be defended before a committee of two faculty.

Applying for Graduation

Students apply to graduate by contacting the department graduate adviser and completing the relevant forms from Graduate Division.