
Latin American and Latino Studies Designated Emphasis


Graduate students may work toward a doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree that notes a designated emphasis in Latin American and Latino studies on the graduation documents. Students wishing to pursue this option should consult with the adviser of their respective Ph.D. programs and are encouraged to apply in the first or second year of graduate study. The application and an annually updated list of regularly offered, approved graduate courses are available on the LALS website.

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The following are required for the designated emphasis:

Committee Composition and Departmental Approvals

The student must have a designated graduate adviser from among the Latin American and Latino studies core, participating, or affiliated faculty. This adviser will be in addition to the graduate adviser from the student’s home department. The Latin American and Latino studies adviser must serve on the student’s qualifying examination committee and/or on the student’s dissertation committee.

Course Requirements

The student must take five graduate courses in Latin American and Latino studies, including the required following courses:

LALS 200Bridging Latin American and Latina/o Studies


The remainder can be selected from appropriate graduate offerings of any UCSC department, as long as they are taught by core or affiliated Latin American and Latino studies faculty.