2020-21 UCSC General Catalog / Resources, Residency, and Policies / Resources for Learning and Research / Baskin School of Engineering (BSOE) / BSOE Research Groups and Laboratories
Advanced Visualization and Interactive Systems Lab
Applied and Nano-Optics Group
Autonomous Systems Lab
Computer Communication Research Group (CCRG)
Computer Vision Lab
Geospatial Visualization Laboratory
Group Researching Advances in Software Engineering (GRASE)
Hybrid Systems Laboratory
Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management Lab (IRKM)
Institute for Scalable Scientific Data Management (ISSDM)
Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells (IBSC)
Internetworking Research Group (i-NRG)
Micro Architecture at Santa Cruz (MASC)
NanoEngineering Group
Network Management and Operations Lab
Robotics and Control Lab
Storage Systems Research Center (SSRC)
Systems Research Lab
UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute
VLSI Design and Automation Group
Resources for learning and research in the Baskin School of Engineering are augmented by industry partnerships, both in Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley, and by labs and centers across the UC Santa Cruz campus.