In order to be admitted into the Computer Science: Computer Game Design major, students must be listed as a proposed major within the School of Engineering. Please refer to
Transfers to the program should consult the Transfer Students section of the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Affairs page.
In addition to being listed as a proposed School of Engineering major, admission to the Computer Science: Computer Game Design major is based on the following criteria:
Students with no prior programming will take CSE 20 before CSE 30 and CSE 12. Students with a prior programming course, Advanced Placement (AP) examination credit, or clearing the "Test-out" bar will start with CSE 30, and CSE 12.
Students have to complete all the foundation courses to qualify for the major
Students are required to take
CSE 16 | Applied Discrete Mathematics | 5 |
And one of the following calculus courses
And a core programming sequence to include one of the following group of classes
A GPA of 2.8 must be obtained in the foundation courses attempted at UCSC.
Declaration of the major can happen no sooner than the student's second quarter, and no later than the campus deadline.
No more than 7 credits of C-, D+, D, D-, F, or NP coursework are permitted for foundation courses.
Denials of admission to the major may be appealed by submitting a letter to the School of Engineering Undergraduate Advising office, addressed to the computational media undergraduate director within 15 days from the date the notification was mailed. The appeal letter must describe why the prior performance is not an accurate reflection of the student's potential. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the Undergraduate Advising office will notify the student and their college of the decision.
Students should submit a petition to declare by completing the petition for major/minor declaration form as soon as they complete the major qualification courses or reach their declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first.
Students petitioning when the campus declaration deadline is imminent (i.e., in their sixth quarter, for students admitted as frosh), will either be approved, denied, or provided with conditions (e.g., completion of some courses with certain grades) that will be resolved within at most one more enrolled quarter, even if they have not completed major qualification courses.
There are five steps to declaring a BSOE major. For a detailed guide to this process, please consult Baskin Engineering's Declare Your Major website.