Graduate Student Budget

Graduate Student Fees 2021-22

   One Quarter  F-W-S Quarters
Student Services Fee (formerly University Registration Fee)  $376.00  $1,128.00
Tuition (formerly Educational Fee)  $3,814.00  $11,442.00
Campus-Based Fees  $441.70  $1,32510
GSHIP Health Insurance (waivable)  $1,670.00  $5,010.00
Total for California Residents   $6301.70  $18,905.10
Nonresident Supplemental Tuition (a)
 $5,034.00  $15,102.00
Total for Nonresidents of California  $11,335.70  $34,007.10

(a) A limited number of Nonresident Tuition Fellowships are available. Please refer to the Financial Support section.

The tuition and fees posted here are estimates based on currently approved amounts. These figures may not be final. Actual tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by the Regents of the University of California and could be affected by increases or reductions in State funding, or other developments. Accordingly, final approved levels (and thus a student's final balance due) may differ from the amounts shown. For information on fee refunds, see Fees and Expenses.

Minimum annual expenses, including registration fees, for a single graduate student living on campus are estimated to be $45,098.00 per academic year. Students should not plan to undertake graduate study without assured funding, since outside employment in the Santa Cruz community can be difficult to obtain. An estimated sample student budget for the 2021-22 academic year is provided below. Non–California residents should add $15,102 in nonresident tuition and fees to the total.


Graduate Student Budget, 2021-22

Fees  $18,905.10
Books and supplies  $645.00
Room and board (on or off campus) (a)  $21,495.00
Transportation (b)  $1,773.00
 Personal  $2,280.00
 Total  $45,098.10

a) Estimated room and board for graduate students living with family is $5,835.

b) Expenses of owning a car and parking on campus are not included here. For parking fees, see Transportation and Parking Services.

c) Some graduate programs are also assessed a professional fee.