Global Engagement

The Division of Global Engagement promotes international cooperation in teaching, research, and other fields of mutual interest with the development of formal partnership and affiliation between UC Santa Cruz and universities, foreign government agencies, and non-profit organizations abroad. Within Global Engagement are the units of Global Learning, International Scholar and Student Services (ISSS), Global Programming, and Global Initiatives.

For further information, contact Global Engagement, 103 Classroom Unit Building, (831) 459-2858, email:

Global Learning

Through academic coursework, internships, and experiential learning, UCSC Global Learning aims to:

  • provide students the opportunity to graduate with global experience;
  • promote an internationalized campus that cultivates an understanding of our diverse global community; and
  • encourage students to study, explore and engage with other cultures—to broaden their perspective and involvement in the world.

UC Santa Cruz students have many opportunities to study abroad or away. UC Santa Cruz Global Learning programs include:

  • UCSC Global Seminars: UCSC courses taught by UCSC faculty abroad in the summer, coordinated by UCSC Global Learning.
  • UCSC Exchanges: Immersion programs at institutions abroad, coordinated by UCSC Global Learning.
  • UCSC Global Internships: Explore career goals, expand your professional network, and gain work experience either abroad or virtually, coordinated by UCSC Global Learning.
  • UCSC-APRU Virtual Student Exchange: Enroll in one online academic course offered by a participating APRU member institution, as a complement to a full-time course load at UCSC.
  • UCSC Global Classrooms: Collaborative online international learning while enrolled in an existing UCSC course, integrating project-based learning in collaboration with a classroom at a partner institution.

UC Santa Cruz students can also explore other UC and non-UC study abroad or away options, including:

  • UCDC: Academic internship program in Washington DC, coordinated by a central UC systemwide office for all 9 undergraduate campuses
  • UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP): UC study abroad provider for all UC campuses.
  • Other UC Study Abroad: Varying types of study abroad and away programs, coordinated by other UC campuses' study abroad offices
  • Independent Programs: Varying types of study abroad and away programs, coordinated by organizations outside of the UC system.

UC Santa Cruz Global Learning is available to assist UCSC students with program selection, application process, and academic planning. Students are encouraged to explore their options and plan for a global learning experience early in their UCSC career. Visit the UCSC Global Learning website to get started.

International Scholar and Student Services

The International Scholar and Student Services (ISSS) office provides immigration advising and advocacy as well as cultural and academic programming for UCSC's growing global community. ISSS assists students, scholars, researchers, and faculty members in maintaining their legal status while in the United States, serving as UCSC's official liaison to U.S. government agencies related to immigration matters. ISSS serves more than 1,000 international clients and their accompanying family members who come to the campus each year.

Global Programming

Global Programming designs and facilitates orientation programs, events, and activities, for international undergraduates, graduate students, and scholars to foster increased intercultural learning, to build community, and to support cultural adjustment. Global Programming supports the study abroad team by assisting with pre-departure orientations and re-entry programming for study abroad students, administers a mentorship program for first-year international students that serves as leadership development for the mentors, and offers international/intercultural events open to all, such as programming during International Education Week.

Global Initiatives

Global Initiatives manages and tracks UCSC's growing portfolio of international partnerships and works with UCSC faculty and academic departments as well as institutions abroad to identify potential partnerships and develop agreements that support student and faculty international mobility, research, and recruitment. Working across the division and with academic and support units throughout campus, Global Initiatives also facilitates implementation of a variety of new and special programs led by the division, and provides communications planning and data analysis in support these initiatives.


Support for Graduate Study and Research Abroad

The Division of Global Engagement administers the application process for the Prestigious International Postgraduate Scholarships (PIPS) described below. Most of these awards require a campus endorsement before the applications can be forwarded to the final levels of competition.

To help students prepare competitive applications, the assistant director for Sponsored Student Programs, offers individual advising and occasional workshops on selecting recommenders, preparing compelling personal statements, interviewing, and developing project proposals or proposed programs of study.

Advance preparation for these awards is essential. Eligible candidates should arrange an advising appointment with the assistant director early in the process.

Scholarship Types

  • Fulbright Program
  • Rhodes Scholarship
  • Marshall Fellowship
  • Schwarzman Scholars Program