
ECON 80C Poverty, Wealth, and Inequality: National and International Perspectives

Concept(s) of poverty, measures of wealth and income distribution. Economic sources of such inequality and poverty. Impact of discrimination. Role of government policy in both exacerbating and reducing inequality. Studies of and comparisons with other contemporary societies, e.g., India and Mexico.



ECON 80E Setting National Priorities: A Policy Agenda for the 1990s

Provides a setting for an informed discussion of important public policy issues, including health care reform, educational reform, federal and state budgets, environmental regulation, international trade and U.S. competitiveness, welfare reform. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 152.



ECON 80F Immigration

The economic and social causes and consequences of immigration into the United States. Both historical and current immigration are considered. Emphasis placed on California's experience, on national and state policy, and on the ethics of immigration policy.
