Electrical and Computer Engineering

Baskin Engineering
(831) 459-2158

Programs Offered

Electrical Engineering B.S.

Robotics Engineering B.S. 

Electrical Engineering Minor

Assistive Technology Minor

Boelectronics and Biophotonics Minor

Electrical and Computer Engineering Contiguous Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathway

Electrical and Computer Engineering M.S.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D.

Robotics and Control Designated Emphasis

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at UC Santa Cruz aims to achieve engineering discoveries that benefit humankind through a combination of curiosity, open-mindedness, and inclusiveness. We aim to provide undergraduate and graduate students with inspiration and quality education, believing that rigor, creativity, and excitement should be part of the Electrical and Computer Engineering curriculum. Our Electrical Engineering undergraduate program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org.

Undergraduate Program

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department’s undergraduate program offers bachelor of science degrees for students majoring in electrical engineering and robotics engineering. The electrical engineering B.S. degree is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, https://www.abet.org. Minors are also offered in electrical engineering, bioelectronics and biophotonics, and assistive technology.

The department emphasizes teaching excellence, opportunities for students to engage in research with our faculty, and preparation for industrial professional practice through yearlong interdisciplinary team-based capstone projects. Students primarily intending to pursue graduate study research can choose the thesis option instead of the capstone sequence.

For more details, visit the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department website and the department's program statements in the catalog.

Graduate Program

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) offers master of science (M.S.) and doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree programs and conducts research in the following core areas:

  • Electronic Circuits and Energy Systems
  • Photonic and Electronic Devices
  • Robotics, Control, and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Signals, Image Processing, and Communication Systems

For more information about the core areas and associated graduate courses, the department, and its faculty, please visit the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department website and the respective program statements in the catalog.