Italian Studies Minor

Students interested in an interdisciplinary approach to Italian culture through the combined study of language, literature, history, and art history may pursue a minor in Italian studies. A detailed checklist for the minor is available on the Italian studies program web site.

Staff advisers for the Italian studies minor are available in the Literature Department office, located in Humanities 1, room 303. The Italian studies program is administered by the Literature Department. Declaring a minor in Italian studies is a three-step process: 

1. Complete the Petition for Major/Minor Declaration and submit it to Be sure to indicate your expected graduation term (EGT) on the petition. Your EGT is visible in your Student Advising Summary or on your MyUCSC Student Portal

2. Make an appointment with the Italian studies program director to discuss your plans and fill out an Italian Studies Minor Checklist.

3. Make an appointment with an Italian studies advisor in the Literature Department in order to review and complete your declaration form. To schedule an advising appointment, visit, send an email to, or leave a message at 831-459-4778.

Course Requirements

Lower-Division Courses

Each student must complete the lower-division language sequence (ITAL 1ITAL 6), or equivalent.

ITAL 1First-Year Italian


ITAL 2First-Year Italian


ITAL 3First-Year Italian


ITAL 4Second-Year Italian


ITAL 5Second-Year Italian


ITAL 6Second-Year Italian


Upper-Division Courses

Students must complete five upper-division courses in Italian studies as follows.

One course

ITAL 106Italian Culture Through Film



• Two Italian literature courses

• One course in Italian history

• One course in Italian art history.

A course featuring the work of Dante is recommended. Three of the five upper-division courses must be completed at UC Santa Cruz; three must be taught substantially in Italian. A maximum of two courses may be transferred from EAP.

Students can consult Italian studies course offerings for each of the above categories.

Students may also consult departmental websites to view available courses.