Kresge College

Academic Emphases

Kresge’s academic life is centered on the integration of living and learning in a community that values self-determination, consensus-building, intellectual freedom, sustainability, and justice. These principles take shape in a curriculum that emphasizes participatory learning, hands-on experience, and conscientious academic inquiry that transcends the walls of traditional classrooms. Ranging from media studies to food justice, writers' workshops to natural history, and journalism to service learning, Kresge’s courses offer varied ways for Kresge students to fulfill GE requirements while broadening their educational experience in the company of dedicated and imaginative faculty.

Additional information about Kresge College academics, including Core Course requirements and other academic programs, is available here.

Residential Life

Beginning in 2023, Kresge will house first-year students in newly built residence halls. The Kresge apartments will be reserved for upper-division studentsDistinctively designed, the apartments at Kresge Proper are configured for six to nine people. Kitchen and living areas look out onto the street, with other rooms facing the surrounding redwood forest. J and K Buildings’ three-person apartments are reserved for continuing upper-division students. These two-bedroom apartments have a kitchen and combination dining and living area.

Kresge is home to the Writers House, a living/learning community for students interested in creative writing and journalism (regardless of major), and the Ecovillage, a community for students who want to actively create a new world based on cooperation and sustainable living.

The Residential Life and College Programs staff at Kresge work to bring students of similar interests together academically and socially by designing fun and unique programs based on student interest. Programs that focus on celebrating the diversity of the residential community, and on enhancing academic success through music events, art and food-centered events are common.


Community Life

A wide variety of events and activities shape community life at Kresge. Lectures, workshops, dances, and concerts are a regular part of student life at the college. The nature and tenor of these events are a reflection of the diverse interests of students and staff, who are committed to fostering voice, space, and opportunity for all community members.

Students actively shape the college community through participation in Kresge Parliament, an openly structured student organization responsible for voting the allocation of all college membership fees in support of activities and events. Parliament and Town Meetings also serve as a forum for the discussion of college and campus-wide issues with college staff and faculty. Additionally, students can get involved in the Food Co-op, or the Kresge Garden.


Transfer Students

In recognition of the wealth of diversity that transfer students bring to the community—in terms of culture and experience—Kresge is the home of the STARS program (Services for Transfer and Re-entry Students). This is a staffed facility where students can gather to relax, socialize, hold meetings, and obtain campus information and resource support in a central location regardless of college affiliation. The resource center offers workshops, social evenings, and special events tailored to meet the needs of transfer students.
STARS also offers special advising workshops and two- and three-credit courses designed to help transfers in the process of entering the university and moving forward in their careers.


At the entrance to the college is the restful Piazzetta, with a beautiful, architecturally designed fountain, and the Kresge Garden, the largest student-run garden on campus. Leading off from the Piazzetta are STARS, the Seminar Room with a kitchen, the Commuter Lounge, and a student lounge equipped with television and DVD player. In addition to STARS, as a unique facility on the campus, the Commuter Lounge is a place for off-campus students who want to use a kitchen, shower, or lockers while on campus. Kresge’s Photo Lab Co-op is above the Piazzetta and offers 24-hour accessibility to darkroom equipment. The college includes a study center with soaring ceilings and walls of glass overlooking the forest, which also houses a writing center, a computer lab equipped with PCs for student use, and a student-run Food Co-op, where organic produce is sold and working memberships are available. 

Kresge College is undergoing a four year redevelopment project. As a part of the first construction phase three new residence halls for first-year students and a large academic building with a 600-seat lecture hall are being constructed. Later in the project renovation of the Kresge Proper apartments, which will house upper-division students and a new Kresge Town Hall, will begin. More details and updates about the Kresge Project can be found on the Kresge web page.

For more information, call (831) 459-2071 or visit the Kresge College website.

Kresge College Fellows and Faculty

Kresge College faculty fellows are listed on the college's faculty directory.

Kresge College staff are listed on the college's staff page.