Information and Policies
A degree in Latin American and Latino studies (LALS) trains students to be critical and analytical thinkers, to be active, engaged global citizens, and to be skilled strategic activists in making the world a more just place for all. An LALS bachelor of arts (B.A.) prepares students to learn from and work with people from a variety of cultures and perspectives, to understand the complexity of our current political, social, and cultural moment, and to use skills from many disciplines and fields.
Program Learning Outcomes
All students completing a degree in Latin American and Latino Studies will have proficiency or competency in the following four areas: critical thinking, research methods, communication, and lifelong learning skills.
- Critical Thinking. Ability to analyze from a transnational/transborder/translocal perspective—to see the interconnections between Latin American and Latino issues, people, ideas, problems, and solutions. This includes key skills, such as understanding sources, comparing arguments, analysis, and historical perspective.
- Research Methods. Working knowledge of social scientific and/or humanistic approaches to LALS relevant topics. This includes acquiring qualitative and quantitative skills, gathering or obtaining research data, finding/using primary sources, and other research methods.
- Communication. Key communication skills, including written, oral presentation, and digital, including an understanding of media sources and ability to apply media literacy to cross-cultural analysis.
- Lifelong Learning Skills. Acquisition of practical hands-on skills in community engagement, cross-cultural fluency, familiarity with Latin America, and familiarity with Latino experience acquired through experiential learning while working with community and civic organizations.
Academic Advising for the Program
Getting Started in the Major: Frosh
Students interested in the LALS B.A. are encouraged to enroll in LALS 1: Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies, at their earliest opportunity. Find this information and more online at our LALS Undergraduate Program site.
Transfer Information and Policy
Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) welcomes transfer students. Students planning to apply in this major are not required to complete specific major preparation courses for consideration of admission to the University of California, Santa Cruz. Find this information and more online at our LALS Undergraduate Program site.
Transfer Admission Screening Policy
Students interested in transferring to UC Santa Cruz as an LALS major are encouraged to enroll in courses related to the discipline prior to transfer, and to check with the LALS advisor about using a transfer course toward the lower-division elective requirement(s) when possible.
Getting Started in the Major: Transfer Students
Transfer students should enroll in LALS 1: Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies. LALS 1 is offered in fall and winter quarters and during summer session. To make timely progress in the major, transfer students entering in the fall quarter should also enroll in the first course in our core series, LALS 100: Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latino Studies.
For more information on the major, we encourage students to review our LALS Undergraduate Program online.
Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process
Major Qualification
LALS Major
To declare an LALS major, students must successfully complete any one LALS course with a grade of C or better or Pass. For an overview of the program, students are encouraged to choose LALS 1: Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies, as their first course.
Students should declare the major as soon as they complete an LALS course or reach their declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first.
Students petitioning when the campus declaration deadline is imminent (i.e., in their sixth quarter, for students admitted as frosh), will either be approved, denied, or provided with conditions (e.g., completion of some courses with certain grades) that will be resolved within at most one more enrolled quarter, even if they have not completed major qualification courses.
LALS Language Intensive Major
In addition to completing any one LALS course with a grade of C or better or Pass, students must have a plan for establishing proficiency in Spanish, Portuguese, or another approved target language in sufficient time to take the required courses taught in the target language by the expected graduation term.
Appeal Process
Students who do not satisfy the major declaration requirement but believe there are extenuating circumstances may file a written appeal. Appeals should be submitted to undergraduate advising by emailing: Students must file the appeal within 15 days of denial of major declaration. The department will notify the student and college of the decision within 15 days of the receipt of the appeal.
How to Declare a Major
Students may declare the major on the MyUCSC portal or by making an appointment with the LALS advisor through Navigate Slug Success.
Letter Grade Policy
Course Substitution Policy
Students may substitute two courses taken outside of LALS when satisfying the requirements for the major. Students may use courses from our list of pre-approved electives, or see the undergraduate advisor to petition a new course or learn about using study abroad courses toward the LALS requirements.
Transfer students who have completed LALS-related work prior to transfer should contact the LALS advisor to ask about transfer credit.
No substitutions are permitted for our core curriculum: LALS 1, LALS 100, LALS 100A/LALS 100L, LALS 100B, and LALS 194/LALS 194L. See the undergraduate advisor for more information.
Double Majors and Major/Minor Combinations Policy
Study Abroad
Students may study abroad through UC Santa Cruz faculty-led programs, the University of California Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), other UC study abroad programs, or through non-UC programs. UCEAP offers opportunities for students to study in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mexico City and Oaxaca, México; Villarrica and Santiago, Chile; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Madrid, Córdoba, Granada, and Barcelona in Spain. In addition to language and culture and university immersion programs, UCEAP also offers a field research program in México, which is an experiential program geared toward juniors and seniors who want to explore the “real” México outside the classroom and at the same time receive undergraduate research training. The program has research sites in states such as Chiapas, Yucatán, Oaxaca, and Michoacán (final site choice depends on the research topic). There is also a leadership in social justice and public policy, México City and Sacramento program; students study abroad in the capital of México and then add a related internship in Sacramento.
Application deadlines are generally about one year in advance of the program, so students should visit global engagement early to plan for study abroad and to begin the application process. The department will consider by petition the approval of courses taken abroad that cover topics appropriate to the LALS curriculum for credit toward the major.
All credit for UCEAP classes is fully incorporated into students’ UC Santa Cruz transcripts; students receive transfer credit for independent study abroad programs. Financial aid may apply to all study abroad programs, which take into account airfare and living costs in addition to tuition and fees. Before departure, students should present an academic plan for courses abroad to the department advisor for review. Credit for up to three study abroad courses may be applied toward the major when courses are approved by the department. (A maximum of three courses of field study and study abroad combined may be applied toward the major requirements.)
The LALS faculty considers awarding honors in the major based on overall student academic performance in courses that count toward the major. To receive the strongest consideration for honors in the major the following grade point average (GPA) criteria must be met: highest honors, 4.0; honors, 3.7.
In addition to honors in the major, LALS may award honors for a thesis, or creative or community action project, or student-taught seminar, by the recommendation of the faculty advisor.
Students may qualify for both honors in the major and honors for a thesis, project, or student-taught seminar. Expanded papers and senior seminars do not qualify for a separate honors designation, but students who choose these options may still qualify for honors in the major.
Field-Study and Internship Opportunities
All majors are encouraged to undertake a field study in Latin America, the Caribbean, or a Latino/a community in the U.S., and/or formal academic study abroad. These paths are the best ways to improve language skills, explore the nature and direction of specific academic and career interests in relation to Latin American and Latino studies, and deepen cross-cultural understanding and relationships.
Field studies are independent, community-based study projects for academic credit, done under faculty sponsorship and arranged on an individual basis. Local opportunities for internships and field study in Latino/a communities on California’s Central Coast are numerous. Credit for up to three upper-division courses may be applied toward the major from field study; however, course credit from field study and study abroad combined may not exceed three upper-division courses. Students should check with the LALS undergraduate advisor for further information about internship and field study opportunities.
Latin American and Latino Studies Major
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Course Requirements
The LALS major requires 10 courses with two labs: two lower-division courses, three upper-division core courses and one core lab, four upper-division electives, and the senior seminar and lab.
Lower-Division Requirements
Two Lower-Division Courses
All students are required to take LALS 1: Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies and one additional lower-division elective.
Upper-Division Requirements
LALS Core Courses
All majors must complete the core course series, which aims to build students' intellectual foundation in the major concepts of Latin American and Latino studies (LALS), identify multiple social scientific approaches to LALS, introduce the fundamentals of research design, and prepare students to use this knowledge in further academic study and real world interventions.
LALS 100 | Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latina/o Studies | 5 |
LALS 100B | Cultural Theory in the Americas | 5 |
LALS 100A | Social Science Analytics | 5 |
LALS 100L | Social Science Analytics Lab | 1 |
Upper-Division LALS Electives
All LALS majors may use up to two pre-approved outside electives—including courses taken during study abroad—to complete their major requirements. Students who wish to use an independent study course to satisfy an elective requirement should contact the undergraduate advisor.
The LALS major requires four upper-division electives.
Senior Seminar
All majors must complete one senior seminar (any of the LALS 194 courses) and the associated writing lab (LALS 194L).
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy that major's upper-division disciplinary communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement for the Latin American and Latino Studies B.A. is met by completing:
Comprehensive Requirement
The Comprehensive Requirement is fulfilled by passing a Latin American and Latino studies senior seminar (LALS 194 course) and lab (LALS 194L).
The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.
Four-Year Sample Planner for Frosh Students
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
College 1A |
Summer Edge (optional) |
1st (frosh) |
LALS 1* |
WRIT 1/WRIT 1E (if needed) |
LALS lower-division elective |
2nd (soph) |
LALS 100* |
LALS 100B |
LALS 100A/LALS 100L |
WRIT 2** |
3rd (jr) |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS 194/LALS 194L |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
4th (sr) |
Possible study abroad, research, or additional major or minor |
*Course satisfies the ER general education requirement.
** WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
Two-Year Sample Planner for Transfer Students
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
Summer Edge (optional) |
1st (jr)
LALS 1* |
LALS 100B |
LALS 100A/LALS 100L |
LALS 100* |
LALS lower-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
2nd (sr) |
Possible study abroad / research |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS 194/LALS 194L |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
*Course satisfies the ER general education requirement.
Latin American and Latino Studies Language Intensive Concentration
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The LALS Language Intensive Concentration requires 13 courses with two labs: three lower-division courses, three upper-division core courses and one core lab, six upper-division electives--two or more must be taken in target language(s)--and the senior seminar and lab.
Lower-Division Requirements
All students are required to take LALS 1: Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies, and two lower-division LALS electives.
Upper-Division Requirements
LALS Core Courses
All majors must complete the core course series, which aims to build students' intellectual foundation in the major concepts of Latin American and Latino studies (LALS), identify multiple social scientific approaches to LALS, introduce the fundamentals of research design, and prepare students to use this knowledge in further academic study and real world interventions.
LALS 100 | Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latina/o Studies | 5 |
LALS 100B | Cultural Theory in the Americas | 5 |
LALS 100A | Social Science Analytics | 5 |
LALS 100L | Social Science Analytics Lab | 1 |
Upper-Division LALS Electives
Courses taught primarily in Spanish
The LALS Language Intensive major requires six upper-division electives, with at least two taught in the target language(s) of Spanish, Portuguese, or another approved language.
LALS 127 | Genero, Nacion Y Modernidad En El Cine | 5 |
LALS 129 | America Latina: Cine, Dictadura y Memoria | 5 |
LALS 130 | Expresiones cuirs de Genero y Sexualidad en el cine Latinoamericano | 5 |
LALS 135 | El Salvador: Expresiones Culturales | 5 |
LALS 194R | Violencia Cotidiana en las Americas | 5 |
LIT 188R | Humanidades Ambientales | 5 |
LIT 189A | De la conquista a Sor Juana | 5 |
LIT 189B | El Siglo XIX en America Latina: cultura, política y sociedad | 5 |
LIT 189C
/SPAN 105
| Introducción a Spanish Studies | 5 |
LIT 189F | Literaturas Latinas en los Estados Unidos: en inglés, español y Spanglish | 5 |
LIT 189G | Cine y Literatura | 5 |
LIT 189L | Poesía latinoamericana | 5 |
LIT 189O | El Cuento Hispanoamericano: Variedades esteticas de la literatura breve en America Latina | 5 |
LIT 189Q | Ficción y marginalidad | 5 |
LIT 189S | La cultura popular en la narrativa latinoamericana | 5 |
LIT 189V | Andean Indigenismo | 5 |
LIT 189X | Estudios mediaticos | 5 |
LIT 189Z | Literatura de Chile | 5 |
SPAN 156A | The Language of Latin America Cinema | 5 |
SPAN 156F | El Humor en Espanol | 5 |
SPAN 156J | Contemporary Central America | 5 |
SPAN 156M | Mexico and the Southwest | 5 |
SPHS 115 | El ensayo lectura, analisis y redaccion | 5 |
Language requirement
Students should review the Language Requirement page on our website for more information about preparation for these courses.
Pre-approved Outside Electives
All LALS majors may use up to two pre-approved outside electives—including courses taken during study abroad—to complete their major requirements. Students who wish to use an independent study course to satisfy an elective requirement should contact the undergraduate advisor.
Senior Seminar
All majors must complete one senior seminar (any of the LALS 194 courses) and the associated lab (LALS 194L).
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy that major's upper-division disciplinary communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement for the Latin American and Latino Studies Language Intensive Concentration is met by completing:
Comprehensive Requirement
The Comprehensive Requirement is fulfilled by passing a Latin American and Latino studies senior seminar (LALS 194 course) and lab (LALS 194L).
The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.
Four-Year Sample Planner for Frosh Students
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
College 1A |
Summer Edge (optional) |
1st (frosh) |
LALS 1* |
LALS lower-division elective |
LALS lower-division elective |
College Core Course |
WRIT 1/WRIT 1E (if needed) |
Language preparation if needed |
Lang prep if needed |
Lang prep if needed |
College 1 |
2nd (soph) |
LALS 100* |
LALS 100B |
LALS 100A/LALS 100L |
WRIT 2** |
Lang prep if needed |
Lang prep if needed |
Lang prep if needed |
3rd (jr) |
LALS upper-division elective in target language |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
4th (sr) |
LALS upper-division elective in target language |
LALS 194/LALS 194L |
Possible study abroad / research |
*Course satisfies the ER general education requirement.
** WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
Two-Year Sample Planner for Transfer Students
Plan assumes some language preparation prior to transfer (with UC Santa Cruz placement into SPAN 4, SPHS 4, or PORT 65A or above).
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
Summer Edge (optional) |
1st (jr)
LALS 1* |
LALS 100B |
LALS 100A/LALS 100L |
LALS 100* |
LALS lower-division elective |
LALS lower-division elective |
Language preparation if needed |
Lang prep if needed |
Lang prep if needed |
2nd (sr) |
LALS upper-division elective in target language |
LALS upper-division elective in target language |
LALS 194/LALS 194L |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
LALS upper-division elective |
Possible study abroad / research |
LALS upper-division elective |
*Course satisfies the ER general education requirement.