
Cross-listed courses that are managed by another department are listed at the bottom.

BIOE 16 Introduction to Horticulture

Surveys the production of indoor crops and landscape plants to gain a working knowledge of how light, temperature, water, fertilizers, and soilless media interact in a controlled environment. Also covers pest management and propagation. Lectures and demonstrations are combined with activities in the UCSC Greenhouses and at the UCSC Arboretum to give students direct experience with horticulture practices and principles in controlled environments. The approach is to develop practical skills and familiarity with agricultural technology while mastering basic principles in plant biology. Emphasis is placed on indoor growth systems.




Rachel Meyer

BIOE 19 Biodiversity in the Age of Humans

How can we better understand how humans have affected Earth and its inhabitants? Explores how DNA shed by organisms into the environment can be collected and used to study Earth's biodiversity, with applications in medicine, anthropology, agriculture, and conservation.




Beth Shapiro


Enrollment is restricted to first-year students, sophomores, and juniors.

Quarter offered


BIOE 20B Development and Physiology

Topics in morphology, physiology, development, genetics, and endocrinology selected to exemplify current issues and perspectives in organismic biology.




Robin Dunkin


Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20A.

Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

BIOE 20C Ecology and Evolution

Introduction to ecology and evolution covering principles of evolution at the molecular, organismal, and population levels. Evolutionary topics include genetic and phenotypic variation, natural selection, adaptation, speciation, and macroevolution. Also covers behavioral, population, and community ecology including applied ecological issues.




Baldo Marinovic

Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

BIOE 20F Field Biology in Practice

Introduction to the practice of field biology. Includes implementing the scientific process from formulating and testing hypotheses, sampling, data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation. Grounded in the natural ecosystems surrounding the UC Santa Cruz campus, this course incorporates field and laboratory techniques, natural history of flora and fauna, and both observational and experimental biology. Enrollment is by instructor permission.




Ingrid Parker

BIOE 75 Scientific Diving Certification

Prerequisite for course 161/L, Kelp Forest Ecology, and all research diving performed under the auspices of UCSC or other academic institutions. Course work includes lectures and scuba diving. Topics include subtidal sampling techniques, navigation, low visibility diving, search and recovery, rescues, small boat use, oxygen administration for divers, technical blue water deep diving, physics, and physiology. Apply online at http://www2.ucsc.edu/sci-diving. Students are billed a course materials fee that covers costs for equipment use, materials, and transportation. Prerequisite(s): skill level equal to Advanced Scuba Diver Certification, pass scuba physical, provide own scuba gear, be certified in CPR and First Aid; and interview: pass swim test and scuba skills test.




Dave Benet

Quarter offered

Fall, Spring

BIOE 80S Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Probability and statistics underlie much of our everyday experience and, as such, there is a fundamental need for an understanding of the use, and misuse, of statistics. This course is taught through case studies based in biology, politics, economics, crime, education, disease, conservation, and other fields of interest. For example, does a change in crime rate really affect your probability of being a victim of a crime? The goal is to provide all students with sufficient understanding probability and statistics to determine if everyday and often sensationalistic reporting of statistical results is meaningful.




Peter Raimondi

General Education Code


BIOE 82 Introduction to Field Research and Conservation

A field-based course with overnight and day trips to regionally diverse areas throughout Central California. Field trips and lectures familiarize students with a wide variety of topics in the ecological, conservation, and environmental science as well as natural-resource management. Enrollment is by instructor permission.




Sean Reily

Quarter offered

Winter, Spring

BIOE 85 Natural History of the UCSC Natural Reserves

Lectures and field trips familiarize students with the flora and fauna of the UCSC Natural Reserves. Field trips focus on surveying and identifying vertebrates and plants at each UCSC Natural Reserve (Fort Ord, Campus Reserve, Big Creek, Younger Lagoon, and Ano Nuevo).



General Education Code


BIOE 95 Seymour Center Docent Training

Taught as a series of seminars, course provides a survey of marine sciences and the role of scientific research in understanding and conserving the world's oceans. Topics include: marine biology, ecology, conservation, coastal geology, and climate change. This series is intended to prepare students to interpret research and inform the public by leading tours at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center at the Long Marine Lab. Enrollment is by application and interview.




The Staff

General Education Code


Quarter offered


BIOE 99 Tutorial

Individual, directed study for undergraduates. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.



Repeatable for credit


Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring

Cross-listed Courses

ECON 272 Evolutionary Game Theory

Reviews static equilibrium concepts, games of incomplete information, and the traditional theory of dynamic games in discrete time. Develops recent evolutionary game models, including replicator and best reply dynamics, and applications to economics, computer science, and biology. Prerequisite(s): upper-division math courses in probability theory are strongly recommended. Cannot receive credit for this course and ECON 166B or CSE 166B.



Cross Listed Courses

BIOE 274, CSE 209


The Staff

PHIL 246 Ethics, Nature, and Natural Selection

Explores the role, if any, that Darwinian theory and evolutionary biology should have on ethical theory. Topics range from classic work, including Darwin and classic expositors, to influential contemporary work on natural selection, in light of the best philosophical literature.



Cross Listed Courses

BIOE 287


Claudio Campagna, Daniel Guevara


Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.

SCIC 160 Introduction to Science Writing

A rigorous examination and practice of the skills involved in writing articles about science, health, technology, and the environment for the general public. Covers the essential elements of news writing and explanatory journalism, including developing a story idea, interviewing scientists, fact checking, composition, and editing of multiple drafts about scientific research.



Cross Listed Courses

BIOE 188


Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and C1, C2 requirements. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior physical and biological sciences majors.