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Welcome to UC Santa Cruz
Introducing UC Santa Cruz
Academic Programs
Academic Units
ACEN - Academic English
AM - Applied Mathematics
ANTH - Anthropology
APLX - Applied Linguistics
ARBC - Arabic
ART - Art
ARTG - Art & Design: Games + Playable Media
ASTR - Astronomy and Astrophysics
BIOC - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
BIOE - Biology Ecology and Evolutionary
BIOL - Biology Molecular Cell and Developmental
BME - Biomolecular Engineering
CHEM - Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CLNI - College Nine
CLST - Classical Studies
CMMU - Community Studies
CMPM - Computational Media
COWL - Cowell College
CRES - Critical Race and Ethnic Studies
CRSN - Carson College
CRWN - Crown College
CSE - Computer Science and Engineering
CSP - Coastal Science and Policy
DANM - Digital Arts and New Media
EART - Earth Sciences
ECE - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ENVS - Environmental Studies
ESCI - Environmental Sciences
FILM - Film and Digital Media
FMST - Feminist Studies
FREN - French
GAME - Games and Playable Media
GCH-Global and Community Health
GERM - German
GREE - Greek
HAVC - History of Art and Visual Culture
HEBR - Hebrew
HISC - History of Consciousness
HIS - History
HIS 100
HIS 101C
HIS 101D
HIS 101E
HIS 101F
HIS 101H
HIS 103C
HIS 104C
HIS 104D
HIS 105
HIS 106A
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HIS 109A
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HIS 110E
HIS 110F
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HIS 110H
HIS 112
HIS 113C
HIS 114
HIS 116
HIS 116A
HIS 117
HIS 117A
HIS 118
HIS 118A
HIS 120
HIS 121A
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HIS 122A
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HIS 123
HIS 124A
HIS 128
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HIS 137A
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HIS 137C
HIS 139C
HIS 139G
HIS 139J
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HIS 140E
HIS 142
HIS 143B
HIS 146A
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HIS 149
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HIS 151
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HIS 157
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HIS 198
HIS 199
HIS 199F
HCI-Human Computer Interaction
ITAL - Italian
JAPN - Japanese
JRLC-John R Lewis College
JWST - Jewish Studies
KRSG - Kresge College
LAAD - Languages
LALS - Latin American and Latino Studies
LATN - Latin
LGST - Legal Studies
LING - Linguistics
LIT - Literature
MATH - Mathematics
MERR - Merrill College
METX - Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
MUSC - Music
NLP-Natural Language Processing
OAKS - Oakes College
OCEA - Ocean Sciences
PBS - Physical Biological Sciences
PERS - Persian
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYE - Physical Education
PHYS - Physics
POLI - Politics
PORT - Portuguese
PRTR - Porter College
PSYC - Psychology
PUNJ - Punjabi
SCIC - Science Communication
SOCD - Social Documentation
SOCY - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPHS - Spanish for Heritage Speakers
STAT - Statistics
STEV - Stevenson College
THEA - Theater Arts
TIM-Technology Information Management
VAST-Visualizing Abolition Studies
WRIT - Writing
YIDD - Yiddish
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Graduate Information
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2023-24 UCSC General Catalog
HIS - History
/ HIS 169
HIS 169
Dutch and Belgian History, 1500 to Present
The political, social, economic, and cultural history of the modern Netherlands and Belgium from 1500 to the present day.