Admission to Special Categories

Admission to either of the categories described below is at the sole discretion of UC Santa Cruz, and only when enrollment allows. For information on applying for admission in the categories described below, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Second Bachelor’s Degree

If your educational goals have changed substantially since receiving your bachelor's degree, you may be eligible to pursue a second undergraduate degree at UC Santa Cruz. Applications from students interested in pursuing a second baccalaureate program will be considered as campus enrollment allows.

You must meet regular university admission qualifications, and your experience or previous scholarship record must show potential for academic success in your proposed area of study. Additional selection criteria will be applied, and admission is subject to approval by the appropriate department.

Impacted majors, such as computer science and psychology, are not available for second baccalaureate applicants. Also, please note that certain majors have screening requirements that must be met, although non-screening majors are available as well.

 For a second degree, you must fulfill UC systemwide requirements in American History and Institutions and the Entry Level Writing Requirement. You must enroll for at least three quarters and are usually restricted to six quarters total.

Limited Status

If you have already completed an undergraduate degree and you have a particular reason to take specific undergraduate university classes, you may be eligible to enroll in a non-degree program as a limited-status student. Applications from students interested in limited-status enrollment are permitted as campus enrollment allows. Priority is given to applicants who have not yet had the opportunity to complete a bachelor's degree.

Your proposed program of study must either prepare you for graduate or professional school or satisfy some definite educational need or interest. Participants generally enroll full-time for a specified period that does not exceed three quarters. You must meet regular university admission qualifications, and your experience or previous academic record must show potential for success in your proposed program. Additional selection criteria will be applied, and admission is subject to approval by the appropriate department.