
Network and Digital Technology B.A.

Information and Policies


The Bachelor of Arts in Network and Digital Technology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, provides students with in-depth knowledge of the underlying structure and function of networking and digital-computer technology and the design processes that make those technologies function. The program is tailored to students who wish to combine technology with other fields or have a general focus on software-based digital technologies that enable Internet services and computer networks. The B.A. in network and digital technology is not an engineering degree, but B.A. graduates will be prepared to work with technology development in other capacities, or join the computer networking workforce. Students interested in graduate study should pursue a B.S. program.

Program Learning Outcomes

For the Network and Digital Technology B.A. degree the program learning outcomes are:

  • an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering;

  • an ability to design a system, component, or process;

  • an ability to communicate effectively; and

  • an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Academic Advising for the Program

The Baskin Engineering undergraduate advising office offers general advising for prospective and declared undergraduates majoring in Baskin Engineering programs. The office handles major declarations, transfer credits, course substitutions, articulations, and degree certifications. Undergraduate students obtain and submit all paperwork requiring departmental approval to the undergraduate advising office. Transfer students should also refer to the Transfer Information and Policy section.

Baskin Engineering Building, Room 225
(831) 459-5840

Getting Started in the Major: Frosh

This major is highly course intensive and sequential; students who intend to pursue this major must begin taking classes for the major in their first quarter at UC Santa Cruz.

Math placement is required for one or more of the foundational courses for this major. For more information, please review the Math Placement website.

Transfer Information and Policy

Transfer students who want to pursue the network and digital technology major, must have applied and been admitted to UC Santa Cruz as a proposed network and digital technology major.

Transfer Admission Screening Policy

Students should complete at least six courses from the following list

Lecture-lab combinations count as one course.

MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


MATH 24Ordinary Differential Equations


AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


MATH 23AVector Calculus


CSE 12Computer Systems and Assembly Language and Lab


CSE 13SComputer Systems and C Programming


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


CSE 30Programming Abstractions: Python


ECE 13Computer Systems and C Programming


PHYS 5AIntroduction to Physics I


PHYS 5LIntroduction to Physics I Laboratory


PHYS 6AIntroductory Physics I


PHYS 6LIntroductory Physics I Laboratory


PHYS 5CIntroduction to Physics III


PHYS 5NIntroduction to Physics Laboratory III


PHYS 6CIntroductory Physics III


PHYS 6NIntroductory Physics III Laboratory


AM 10 and MATH 21 are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first can count toward the six courses.

AM 20 and MATH 24 are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first can count toward the six courses.

AM 30 and MATH 23A are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first, can count toward the six courses.

ECE 13 and CSE 13S are alternatives; only one or the other, whichever is completed first, can count toward the six courses.

PHYS 5A and PHYS 5L are alternatives to PHYS 6A and PHYS 6L; only one or the other can count toward the six courses.

PHYS 5C and PHYS 5N are alternatives to PHYS 6C and PHYS 6N; only one or the other can count toward the six courses.

The cumulative GPA should be at least 2.3 in all of the courses attempted from the list above regardless of whether the course is one of the six used to qualify.

Students who wish to graduate in two years are strongly recommended to complete eight courses from the above list before coming to UC Santa Cruz.

Getting Started in the Major: Transfer Students

Transfer students should declare their major in their first quarter at UC Santa Cruz. Instructions for declaring a major in the Baskin Engineering are on the undergraduate advising major declaration page.

Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process

Major Qualification

Transfer students should refer to the Transfer Admission Screening requirements.

In order to declare the network and digital technology major, students must be listed as a proposed major within Baskin Engineering. Please refer to the Baskin Engineering "Proposed Major Retention" and its "Declaring a Baskin Engineering Major" sections in the catalog for more information.

In addition to being listed as a proposed Baskin Engineering major, qualification for the network and digital technology major is based on performance in the following lower-division courses and associated labs required for the major. To qualify for the network and digital technology major students must have completed at least 36 credits in these courses with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.30 or greater.

All of the following
MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


CSE 12Computer Systems and Assembly Language and Lab


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


CSE 30Programming Abstractions: Python


Plus one of the following
AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


MATH 23AVector Calculus


Whichever is completed first

Plus one of the following
AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


Whichever is completed first

Plus one of the following
AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


MATH 24Ordinary Differential Equations


Whichever is completed first

Plus one of the following
CSE 13SComputer Systems and C Programming


ECE 13Computer Systems and C Programming


Plus one of the following lecture/lab options
Either these courses

PHYS 5AIntroduction to Physics I


PHYS 5LIntroduction to Physics I Laboratory


or these courses

PHYS 6AIntroductory Physics I


PHYS 6LIntroductory Physics I Laboratory


Plus one of the following lecture/lab combinations
Either these courses

PHYS 5CIntroduction to Physics III


PHYS 5NIntroduction to Physics Laboratory III


or these courses

PHYS 6CIntroductory Physics III


PHYS 6NIntroductory Physics III Laboratory


Cumulative GPA

Students seeking to change their current major to network and digital technology after their sixth quarter must have completed the courses listed above with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.30.

Appeal Process

Students who are informed that they do not qualify for the major may appeal this decision by submitting a letter to the undergraduate director through the Baskin Engineering undergraduate advising office within 15 days from the date the notification was mailed. Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal, the department will notify the student, college, and Office of the Registrar of the decision.

How to Declare a Major

There are four steps to declaring a Baskin Engineering major. For a detailed guide to this process, please consult Baskin Engineering's Declare Your Major website.

Students should start the declaration of major process by completing Step One on the Baskin Declare Your Major website as soon as they complete 36 credits in the major qualification courses or reach their declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first.

Students petitioning when the campus declaration deadline is imminent (i.e., in their sixth quarter, for students admitted as frosh), will either be approved, denied, or provided with conditions (e.g., completion of some courses with certain grades) that will be resolved within at most one more enrolled quarter, even if they have not completed enough major qualification courses.

Letter Grade Policy

All students admitted to a Baskin Engineering major, or seeking admission to a major, must take all courses required for that major for a letter grade. This policy includes courses required for these degrees that are sponsored by other departments.

Course Substitution Policy

Undergraduate engineering students who wish to substitute a major course with a course from another department at UC Santa Cruz, or from another academic institution, must first seek approval through the Baskin Engineering Undergraduate Advising Office. The advising office requires a Petition for Course Substitution be approved before credit for an alternate course can be applied to any Baskin Engineering major requirement.

Petition forms are available at the Undergraduate Advising Office and online.

Petitions and procedures for approval must be obtained from and submitted to the Undergraduate Advising Office.

Community Colleges courses once enrolled at UCSC

Once enrolled in Baskin Engineering students who wish to take a course at a California community college must first check Assist.org to see if the course is equivalent at UC Santa Cruz. If the course is not listed on Assist.org, students must submit a course substitution petition to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office to have it reviewed for equivalency. Courses that need to be reviewed must be accompanied by a course description and syllabus. It is very helpful if students can provide further evidence of course content, such as examples of programming assignments, homework, or examinations. To guarantee equivalency, departments may sometimes require a grade of B or better.

If the course is approved for equivalency or was on Assist.org, then the student must also receive approval by their major department to take the class at the community college PRIOR to taking it. Forms and procedures for approval can be obtained from and submitted to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office.

Four-Year Institutions and the UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP)

Students who intend to take a course at a four-year institution or UC Education Abroad, must submit a Course Substitution Petition to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office to have the course reviewed for equivalency. Courses that need to be reviewed must be accompanied by a course description and syllabus. It is very helpful if students can provide further evidence of course content, such as examples of programming assignments, homework, or examinations. To guarantee equivalency, departments may sometimes require a grade of B or better.

If the course is approved for equivalency, then the student must also receive approval by their major department PRIOR to taking the class. Forms and procedures for approval can be obtained from and submitted to the BE Undergraduate Advising Office.

Double Majors and Major/Minor Combinations Policy

Students completing any of the following degrees cannot also receive the Network and Digital Technology B.A.

  • Robotics Engineering B.S.
  • Computer Engineering B.S.
  • Computer Science B.S.
  • Computer Science B.A.

The following minors cannot be combined with the Network and Digital Technology B.A/ :

  • Computer Engineering minor
  • Computer Science minor


Majors are considered for “Honors in the Major” and “Highest Honors in the Major” based on their GPA and on results of undergraduate research and other significant contributions to Baskin Engineering. Students with a GPA of 3.70, in most cases, receive highest honors. Students with a GPA of 3.30, in most cases, receive honors. Students with particularly significant accomplishments in undergraduate research or contributions to Baskin Engineering may be considered with a lower GPA.

School of Engineering Policies

Please refer to the Baskin Engineering section of the catalog for additional policies that apply to all Baskin Engineering programs.

Materials Fee and Miscellaneous Fees

Please see the section on fees under the School of Engineering.

Requirements and Planners

Course Requirements

All students in the network and digital technology major must take the following courses. The comprehensive requirement is satisfied by completion of the capstone course.

Lower-Division Courses

Students who may have originally pursued another major should discuss with the Baskin Engineering undergraduate advising office whether or not already completed coursework may be substituted for one or more lower division-requirements.

One of the following
AM 10Mathematical Methods for Engineers I


MATH 21Linear Algebra


Plus one of the following
AM 20Mathematical Methods for Engineers II


MATH 24Ordinary Differential Equations


Plus one of the following
AM 30Multivariate Calculus for Engineers


MATH 23AVector Calculus


Plus all of the following
CSE 12Computer Systems and Assembly Language and Lab


CSE 16Applied Discrete Mathematics


CSE 20Beginning Programming in Python


CSE 30Programming Abstractions: Python


MATH 19ACalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


MATH 19BCalculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics


Students with no prior programming will take CSE 20 before CSE 30 and CSE 12. Students with a prior programming course, AP credit, or clearing the “Test-out” bar will start with CSE 30 and CSE 12.

Plus one of the following
CSE 13SComputer Systems and C Programming


ECE 13Computer Systems and C Programming


Plus one of the following lecture/lab combinations
Either these courses

PHYS 5AIntroduction to Physics I


PHYS 5LIntroduction to Physics I Laboratory


or these courses

PHYS 6AIntroductory Physics I


PHYS 6LIntroductory Physics I Laboratory


Plus one of the following lecture/lab combinations
Either these courses

PHYS 5CIntroduction to Physics III


PHYS 5NIntroduction to Physics Laboratory III


or these courses

PHYS 6CIntroductory Physics III


PHYS 6NIntroductory Physics III Laboratory


Upper-Division Courses

All of the following
CSE 101Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms


CSE 150Introduction to Computer Networks


CSE 185E
/CSE 185S
Technical Writing for Computer Science and Engineering



Five additional 5-credit or more, upper-division electives, and associated laboratories are required.
Students may choose courses from either or both of the lists below, or from the additional approved electives list. One of these five courses should also be used to satisfy the comprehensive requirement below. See Comprehensive Requirement below for courses which satisfy that requirement.

Students are encouraged to discuss their interests and elective choices with their faculty advisors. Students may use the following lists to focus their studies in a particular area.

Digital Technology for Networking Focus

Students wishing to focus on digital technology for networking should consider including among their courses the following (lecture-lab combinations are counted as one course):

CSE 118Mobile Applications


CSE 151Advanced Computer Networks


CSE 151LAdvanced Computer Networks Laboratory


CSE 156Network Programming


CSE 156LNetwork Programming Laboratory


CSE 157Internet of Things


CSE 167Mobile Sensing and Interaction


CSE 183Web Applications


CSE 157 has additional prerequisites.

Internet Software Technology Focus

Students wishing to focus on Internet software technology should consider including among their courses the following:

CSE 115AIntroduction to Software Engineering


CSE 117Open Source Programming


CSE 119Software for Society


CSE 130Principles of Computer Systems Design


CSE 165Human-Computer Interaction


CSE 180Database Systems I


CSE 181Database Systems II


CSE 182Introduction to Database Management Systems


CSE 186Full Stack Web Development I


CSE 187Full Stack Web Development II


CSE 115A, CSE 117, CSE 157, and CSE 181 have additional prerequisites.
Students may not receive credit for both CSE 180 and CSE 182.

Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement

Students of every major must satisfy that major's upper-division disciplinary communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement in network and digital technology is satisfied by completing CSE 185E, Technical Writing for Computer Engineers.

CSE 185E
/CSE 185S
Technical Writing for Computer Science and Engineering


Comprehensive Requirement

One of the following courses must be completed. This course can count as one of the five required electives.

CSE 115AIntroduction to Software Engineering


CSE 156Network Programming


CSE 156LNetwork Programming Laboratory


CSE 157Internet of Things


CSE 181Database Systems II


CSE 183Web Applications


CSE 187Full Stack Web Development II


Lecture-lab combinations count as one course.
Students may petition to request approval to satisfy the comprehensive requirement with another engineering course having a substantial technology based project.


The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.

The following are two sample academic plans: (1) a four-year plan for first-year students with no prior programming experience, and (2) a two-year plan for transfer students that have completed all lower-division major requirements except AM 30, CSE 13S, and CSE 30. Students completing the courses in the four-year planner will have satisfied the MF and SI General Education requirements.

Four-Year Major Planner for Network and Digital Technology

Fall Winter Spring Summer
Entering College 1A
Summer Edge (optional)
1st (frosh) MATH 3 MATH 19A MATH 19B
CSE 20 CSE 30 AM 10
College 1 WRIT 1/WRIT 1E
(if needed)
2nd (soph) CSE 12 CSE 13S CSE 101
3rd (jr) CSE 150 Elective CSE 185E
AM 30 AM 20 Elective
4th (sr) Elective Capstone course Elective

1WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.

Two-Year Planner for Transfer Students

Fall Winter Spring Summer
Entering KRSG 1T
Summer Edge (optional)
1st (jr) CSE 30 CSE 13S CSE 101
CSE 150 AM 30 CSE 185E
2nd (sr) Elective Capstone course Elective
Elective Elective

Curriculum charts for all Baskin Engineering majors are available at the Baskin Engineering undergraduate advising website.