College Residences

The colleges differ in academic focus, environment, location, architecture, and programs offered. However, all 10 colleges are dynamic, engaging learning communities that offer opportunities for students to help build and shape their experiences.

Freshmen are generally assigned to live in residence halls at their college. Residence hall floors are typically shared by 30 to 50 students and have common bathrooms. Students can request to live in a mixed-gender area (students of any gender live on the same floor or apartment, though bedrooms are single-gender) or single-gender area (students of a single gender live on the same floor or apartment). Room assignments allowing transgender and gender-nonconforming students and their allies to live together in the same room regardless of gender or legal gender are also available by request. Apartments, typically shared by four to seven students, have common living/dining rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms, and a combination of shared and private bedrooms. Each community provides accessible housing for students with disabilities. Incoming transfer students reside at the Transfer Community, or the University Town Center, regardless of college affiliation.

A variety of theme-housing options are available for those who are interested. Based on academic pursuits, hobbies, individual backgrounds, and lifestyle preferences, these options serve to complement a student’s experience in residence.

Each college’s residential program is a team effort. Live-in student and professional staff members provide orientation and support services, organize activities and events, provide referral information about academic or personal concerns, and assist with roommate problems.

All students living in campus residence halls (including the transfer community) have a meal plan included in their housing contract. Meal plans are optional for apartment residents. Students with meal plans may use their student ID cards or the GET Mobile app to access any of the dining halls on campus and to purchase menu items at UCSC Dining-operated cafes, coffee bars, and markets. More information on the colleges, including videos, can be found here and at the Housing website.