After being selected as UC LEADS Scholars, students begin a two-year program of scientific research and graduate school preparation guided by individual faculty mentors and program staff. Scholars are provided with an excellent opportunity to explore their discipline, experience a research environment, and improve their opportunities for future study in their chosen field. Each scholar is mentored by a member of the UC faculty who assists the student in designing a plan of research and enrichment activities tailored to his or her individual interests and academic goals. Scholars attend the annual statewide symposium, as well as are sponsored to participate in another STEM conference of their choice each year.

The UC LEADS program is headquartered in the STEM Diversity Programs office, along with MARC, IMSD and CAMP. To learn more about eligibility requirements and the UC LEADS program, visit the STEM Diversity Programs website or email STEM Diversity Programs Director Yulianna Ortega at yuli@ucsc.edu.