Plan I (thesis) M.S. degree
Prospective students who are interested in research careers, or gaining research experience prior to entering a doctoral program, may consider the Plan I (thesis) M.S. degree.
Two required core courses:
METX 200 | Interdisciplinary Approaches in Environmental Toxicology | 5 |
And one course from the following:
METX 205 | Scientific Grant Writing | 5 |
METX 245A | Scientific Communication in Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology A | 5 |
Two courses from the following:
METX 201 | Sources and Fates of Pollutants | 5 |
METX 202 | Cell and Molecular Toxicology | 5 |
METX 206A | Advanced Microbiology | 5 |
METX 210 | Molecular and Cellular Basis of Bacterial Pathogenesis | 5 |
METX 238 | Pathogenesis: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease | 5 |
METX 250 | Environmental Microbiology | 5 |
Any additional courses
As recommended by your first-year Advising Committee
Each quarter, students must enroll in:
And one of the following:
Each quarter, students must enroll in the lab meeting associated with their primary instructor (1):
METX 281C | Topics in Environmental Microbiology | 2 |
METX 281M | Topics in Molecular Toxicology | 2 |
METX 281O | Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis | 2 |
METX 281S | Cellular and Organismal Responses to Toxicants | 2 |
METX 281V | Topics in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Innate Immunity | 2 |
METX 281Y | Biofilms: Processes and Regulation | 2 |
METX 281J | Mechanisms of Virulence and Resistance to Infectious Disease | 2 |
METX 281R | Topics in Genome-Environment Interactions | 2 |
METX 281P | Origins and Applications of Human Gut Microbial Symbiosis | 2 |
Plan II (capstone) M.S. Degree
The Plan II (capstone) M.S. degree may be of interest to students interested in interdisciplinary graduate training in microbiology and environmental health-related fields, but with career goals other than research, such as government service, non-profit NGOs, and private sector biotech and environmental health companies.
Required core course:
METX 200 | Interdisciplinary Approaches in Environmental Toxicology | 5 |
Two courses from the following:
METX 201 | Sources and Fates of Pollutants | 5 |
METX 202 | Cell and Molecular Toxicology | 5 |
METX 206A | Advanced Microbiology | 5 |
METX 210 | Molecular and Cellular Basis of Bacterial Pathogenesis | 5 |
METX 250 | Environmental Microbiology | 5 |
One course from the following:
METX 238 | Pathogenesis: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease | 5 |
BIOL 217 | Influence of Environment and Experience on Brain Development | 5 |
At least one additional course
At least one additional course approved graduate-level METX course or from another department.
At least one additional approved general elective course
From METX or from another department
Each quarter, students must enroll in the following course:
Capstone Courses
Both of the following courses:
METX 245A | Scientific Communication in Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology A | 5 |
METX 245B | Scientific Communication in Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology B | 5 |
Plan I:
Literature review
Under direction of the student's advisor, write a literature review of the current state of the field of the proposed dissertation research. The written review will be handed in to the student's advisor at the end of the summer of the first year.
Department seminars
Give a 20-minute departmental seminar in the first academic year and one 50-minute departmental seminar on thesis work during the spring of the second year.
Master's comprehensive examination
The master's comprehensive exam is a presentation and defense of the student's master's research proposal, including relevant background knowledge. The examination will not be specifically course-based, but will draw on knowledge from courses. This examination is taken in the fall quarter of the second year.
Students are required to submit their thesis for fulfillment of the degree requirements. The thesis should be submitted to the student's master's reading committee one month before the due date.
Plan II
Capstone Writing Project:
Plan II M.S. students will also complete a capstone writing project (METX 245A and METX 245B) to be completed under the guidance/mentorship of a faculty member in the department. As an example, capstone projects may include a scientific research proposal or a substantial review article.