
Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology Ph.D.


The Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology (METX) focuses on the human and environmental health impacts of chemicals and pathogens. A unifying disciplinary theme of research in METX is that both environmental chemicals and pathogens represent physiological effects that, in many cases, elicit specific molecular and inflammatory responses that increase the risk of adverse health outcomes in exposed individuals. The METX Ph.D. program provides in-depth training in the human and environmental health impacts of chemicals and pathogens. We accomplish this goal through comprehensive coursework, extensive scientific communication training, and in-depth research culminating in a Ph.D. dissertation. Our training prepares students to become leaders in various fields, following career paths in academia, teaching, industry, and government.

Students typically graduate with a Ph.D. in four to six years.

Advancement to Candidacy
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The student advances to candidacy after completing all coursework, completing the literature review (beginning of fall quarter, second year), passing the Ph.D. qualifying examination (spring quarter, second year), and presenting a seminar (fall quarter, third year).

Course Requirements

Two required core courses:

METX 200Interdisciplinary Approaches in Environmental Toxicology


METX 200BGraduate Research Project Development


Plus the following course

BIOL 289Practice of Science


One course from the following:

METX 202Cell and Molecular Toxicology


METX 206AAdvanced Microbiology


At least one additional graduate-level METX course or an approved course from another department:

METX 201Sources and Fates of Pollutants


METX 210Molecular and Cellular Basis of Bacterial Pathogenesis


METX 238Pathogenesis: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease


METX 250Environmental Microbiology


Students will also take one or more of the following science writing courses as advised

METX 205Scientific Grant Writing


METX 245AScientific Communication in Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology A


And two additional courses as recommended by their first-year advising committee.

Students will take the following courses each quarter:

METX 292Introductory Graduate Seminar


And one of the following as appropriate:
METX 297AIndependent Study


METX 297BIndependent Study


METX 297CIndependent Study


METX 299AThesis Research


METX 299BThesis Research


METX 299CThesis Research


Plus a topical seminar from the METX 281 series:
METX 281CTopics in Environmental Microbiology


METX 281JMechanisms of Virulence and Resistance to Infectious Disease


METX 281MTopics in Molecular Toxicology


METX 281OTopics in Bacterial Pathogenesis


METX 281POrigins and Applications of Human Gut Microbial Symbiosis


METX 281RTopics in Genome-Environment Interactions


METX 281SCellular and Organismal Responses to Toxicants


METX 281VTopics in Bacterial Pathogenesis and Innate Immunity


METX 281YBiofilms: Processes and Regulation


Teaching Requirement

During their academic careers, doctoral students are required to work as teaching assistants (TA) for at least one quarter. Priority for TA positions is given to first-year doctoral students, then to current doctoral students who have not yet worked as a teaching assistant. Fulfilling this requirement may happen pre or post candidacy.

Literature Review

Under direction of the student’s faculty advisor, write a literature review of the current state of the field of the proposed dissertation research. The written review will be handed in to the student’s advisor and the program graduate advisor by the first day of fall quarter of the second year.

Qualifying Examination

Students will complete a Ph.D. qualifying examination (QE) comprised of both oral and written components. Students present and defend their research proposal to their QE committee in the spring quarter of their second year.

Department Seminar

Students present a 10-20-minute departmental seminar each academic year, and one 50-minute departmental seminar in the fall quarter of the third year. Rotation students present their rotation talks in lieu of a departmental seminar.

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Dissertation and Defense

The student must submit their doctoral dissertation to the dissertation committee for tentative approval at least one month before presenting a formal, public doctoral research seminar and defending their thesis.