Sustainable Living Center Programs

The Friends of the Community Agroecology Network (FoCAN) is a student led-organization that celebrates cultural identities, works on transborder community initiatives centered on justice in the agro-food system, food sovereignty, solidarity and just solidarity economies. We form part of an international network with small-scale farmers and rural youth to sustain rural livelihoods. FoCAN members work with UC Santa Cruz students, Community Agroecology Network (CAN) and UCSC staff members in community outreach, educational material development, promotion of fair trade/solidarity economies principles, food sovereignty workshop planning, event coordination, and international youth network collaborations. FoCAN participates in CAN’s AgroEco Coffee, a solidarity supply network, and CAN's Youth Network, Red Internacional de Agroecología Comunitaria (RIAC), along with several youth organizations in Mexico and Nicaragua. For more information see: and, or contact

FoCAN facilitates hands-on learning activities that engage students with all aspects of a sustainable food system—from growing organic food that supports local communities to conscious consumerism on a global level.