UC Santa Cruz Alumni

From the moment you step on campus you become part of the UC Santa Cruz community. From student to alumni, you are a Banana slug for life!

The UC Santa Cruz Alumni community is a dynamic, innovative, successful, philanthropic, and world-changing network of individuals spread around the world. With the graduating class of 2021, the UCSC alumni network grew to 140,000 Banana Slugs. When you graduate and join our dynamic, change-making alumni network, it will be even stronger.

There are more than 2 million University of California alumni making amazing impacts around the globe as leaders and contributors in their communities. UCSC alumni are advocates, volunteers, supporters, friends, and ambassadors for their alma mater, supporting current students like you.

Get to know your UCSC alumni community. They are here to support you on your journey. They’ve been where you are and know how to help. Visit the alumni.ucsc.edu website and learn more now while you are a student. The sooner you make these lifelong connections, the more opportunities will open up for you.

When you graduate from UC Santa Cruz, you will have abundant opportunities to stay involved in the UCSC community through career and social networking, participating in events, and sharing your success by volunteering. Alumni stay connected through alumni networks, regional groups, social media, identity groups, and signature events like Return to the Redwoods.

UC Santa Cruz alumni are on a mission to support UC Santa Cruz, build robust connections between students and alumni, connect alumni where their passions are, and strengthen the alumni network throughout the UC Santa Cruz community.

UC Santa Cruz Alumni promotes excellence through scholarships and awards each year, including the Alumni Association Scholarship, and the Distinguished Alumni Awards. Alumni enrich the campus’s intellectual life. UC Santa Cruz publications are filled with powerful stories about our alumni. You can read about many of our notable alumni at Alumni Profiles. We look forward to seeing your face among these profiles.

Get to know your alumni community and how we are here for you at the UC Santa Cruz Alumni website.