Philosophy Minor
Course Requirements
Students must have taken or currently be enrolled in at least one lower-division philosophy course in order to declare the minor. Students declare by contacting the undergraduate advisor, who will develop an individual academic plan and complete a Petition for Major/Minor Declaration form. Students should contact in order to declare.
A minor in philosophy consists of seven of the 11 courses required for the major, and will meet the following distribution requirements:
Lower-Division Courses
The following course:
PHIL 9 | Introductory Symbolic Logic | 5 |
At least one other 5-credit course numbered PHIL 1-98, with the exception of PHIL 8.
Transfer students should check for articulation agreements.
Upper-Division Courses
History of Philosophy
One of following courses:
Four additional 5-credit upper-division courses numbered 100A or above. This includes one in value theory and two in metaphysics and/or epistemology (see Philosophy B.A. course requirements for a list of courses that satisfy this requirement).
Note that the course counted toward fulfilling the history of philosophy requirement cannot be counted among these additional courses. PHIL 195A, PHIL 195B, and PHIL 199 also cannot be counted among these courses.
Course Substitution Policy
One upper-division course substitution may be considered, but lower-division courses may not be substituted for an upper-division requirement. Lower-division courses completed elsewhere may also be considered. Substitution requests are to be made via petition to and are subject to approval by the undergraduate program director. There is no senior exit requirement for the minor.
For the sequence in which courses must be taken, see Major Requirements.
Letter Grade Policy
This program does not have a letter grade policy.