Information and Policies
Research at the macromolecular, molecular, and atomic levels is revolutionizing our understanding of the fundamental processes of life. Students interested in joining this search are best prepared by undertaking coursework in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and computer science. The undergraduate major in biochemistry and molecular biology (BMB) is offered by faculty who are actively engaged in research on biological systems.
Students who declare the BMB major earn a bachelor of science (B.S.) degree. The BMB major constitutes an integrated curriculum of basic instruction in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics, followed by the opportunity to pursue advanced study in specialized areas of interest. In modern, well-equipped laboratories, distinguished faculty are engaged in frontline research at UCSC. The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department and the Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology Department each host a very active seminar series in which internationally-recognized scientists present their current research findings. Advanced BMB undergraduates are encouraged to attend.
The BMB program features close faculty-student interaction, stimulating learning environments, and opportunities for independent research and study. Students majoring in BMB are encouraged to become involved in research under the guidance of a faculty sponsor. Many students participating in this aspect of the program have made important contributions to the scientific literature.
The BMB major has a broad scope and is interdisciplinary in nature. All prospective majors should see the BMB academic advisor for additional information.
Note: A student cannot double major/minor in BMB and any other major/minor offered by the departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology. No BMB minor is offered.
Academic Advising for the Program
The chemistry and biochemistry advisors provide counsel to undergraduate majors. Students are encouraged to seek out advising and assistance in planning their academic careers to ensure completion of their major in a timely manner. For advising assistance, please contact chemistry and biochemistry advising at or visit the BMB Advising webpage. All students interested in the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BMB) B.S. major should read this catalog to learn more details about the major.
Program Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes summarize the most important knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that students are expected to develop over the course of their studies.
Students graduating with a B.S. in biochemistry and molecular biology should be able to:
demonstrate mastery of a broad set of chemical and biological knowledge concerning the fundamentals in the basic areas of the discipline (organic, inorganic, analytical, physical, biochemistry, and molecular biology).
solve area-specific problems by identifying the essential parts of a problem, formulating a strategy for solving the problem, applying appropriate techniques to arrive at a solution, testing the correctness of the solution, and interpreting their results.
use modern cloud search tools (such as SciFinder, PubMed, Google Scholar, or Web of Science) to locate and retrieve scientific information about topics relating to chemistry and biology.
know and follow the proper procedures and regulations for safe handling and use of chemicals, biohazardous materials, and common laboratory instruments.
understand the objective of their chemical and biological experiments, properly carry out the experiments, and appropriately record and analyze the results.
use computers in data acquisition and processing, and use available software as a tool in data analysis; use standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation, and classical techniques to carry out experiments.
communicate the concepts and results of their laboratory experiments through effective writing and/or oral communication using the discipline standards for reporting and citation.
collaborate effectively as part of a team to solve problems, debate different points of view, and interact productively with a diverse group of team members.
Getting Started in the Major: Frosh
This major is highly course intensive and sequential; students who intend to pursue this major must begin taking classes for the major in their first quarter at UC Santa Cruz.
Prospective biochemistry and molecular biology majors should have a solid foundation in high school mathematics; familiarity with algebra, logarithms, trigonometry, and analytic geometry is particularly required. Incoming students in the biochemistry and molecular biology major should complete the ALEKS Math Placement process as early as possible. ALEKS results must be officially posted to students’ records as a prerequisite to first-quarter enrollment. For more information, please review the Math Placement website.
Students taking chemistry at the University of California, Santa Cruz, begin with CHEM 3A, CHEM 3B, CHEM 3C and associated labs, CHEM 3BL and CHEM 3CL. Alternatively, students with an exceptionally strong background in high school chemistry, equivalent to AP chemistry, may begin with CHEM 4A/CHEM 4B and associated labs CHEM 4AL and CHEM 4BL (Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity—see the “Qualifying for the Advanced General Chemistry series” admission policy section below).
Previous to July 1, 2023, the General Chemistry series, offered by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, was listed in the General Catalog as CHEM 1A, CHEM 1B and CHEM 1C, with associated laboratories CHEM 1M and CHEM 1N. As of academic year 2023-24, this series was replaced with two distinct series: CHEM 3A, CHEM 3B and CHEM 3C, with labs CHEM 3BL and CHEM 3CL, or CHEM 4A and CHEM 4B with labs CHEM 4AL and CHEM 4BL.
Qualifying for the Accelerated General Chemistry series
CHEM 4 is an accelerated two-quarter series intended for students who enter UC Santa Cruz with excellent preparation in high school chemistry. Students in this series will learn fundamental concepts in chemistry at a faster pace than our traditional general chemistry series, CHEM 3, with an emphasis on quantum theory, molecular structure, and chemical driving forces. Students with an exceptionally strong background in high school chemistry are especially encouraged to begin with CHEM 4A (Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity) instead of CHEM 3A.
All students who want to enroll in the accelerated series must complete an online learning module and assessment administered by the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department, regardless of high school AP scores. Once the online learning module and assessment are started (by completing the initial knowledge check), students will have six weeks to complete the online learning module and assessment and, once the module and assessment are completed students may request enrollment in CHEM 4A.. Students who complete the online learning module and assessment and submit their proof of completion by the established deadline are eligible to remain enrolled in CHEM 4A. Students can access the full CHEM 4A qualification instructions and the online learning module by joining this Canvas Class.
Transfer Information and Policy
General information about transferring to UC Santa Cruz can be found on the Transfer Preparation Advising website. Students planning to transfer to UC Santa Cruz as a biochemistry and molecular biology major from a California community college should reference to determine which courses are equivalent to required and recommended pre-transfer courses.
Transfer Admission Screening Policy
The following courses or their equivalents are required prior to transfer, by the end of the spring term for students planning to enter in the fall.
| Either these courses | |
CHEM 3A | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 3B | General Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 3C | General Chemistry | 3 |
| or these courses | |
CHEM 4A | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
CHEM 4B | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
And these courses:
Plus one of the following options:
MATH 11A | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
MATH 19A | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
Students must complete the above courses or their equivalents, with a grade of C or better, and have a cumulative GPA in these courses of 2.5 or greater.
Recommended Major Preparation for Junior Transfer Students
Completion of the following courses is highly recommended before the transfer to ensure timely graduation. Students who only complete minimum required transfer coursework for the major prior to transfer are more likely to take longer to complete the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology B.S.
BIOE 20B | Development and Physiology | 5 |
CHEM 8L | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
CHEM 8M | Organic Chemistry Laboratory | 2 |
PHYS 6A | Introductory Physics I | 5 |
PHYS 6B | Introductory Physics II | 5 |
PHYS 6L | Introductory Physics I Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 6M | Introductory Physics II Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 6N | Introductory Physics III Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 6C | Introductory Physics III | 5 |
STAT 5 | Statistics | 5 |
As well as one of the following:
MATH 11B | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
MATH 19B | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
While not required, a MATH 22 equivalent course should also be taken by students who plan to take CHEM 163A/CHEM 163B instead of BIOC 163A/BIOC 163B in their final year. MATH 22 is only taught in winter (and possibly summer) at UC Santa Cruz.
For more information on qualifying for the major as a transfer applicant, see the Getting Started as a Transfer Student in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology webpage.
Getting Started in the Major: Transfer Students
Transfer students are strongly encouraged to meet with an academic advisor in the Chemistry & Biochemistry Department prior to or during their first quarter at UC Santa Cruz. For assistance with advising, please contact chemistry & biochemistry advising at
Transfer students entering at the junior level who have satisfied the screening requirements can declare their major any time after coming to UC Santa Cruz but are required to be declared in a major by the declaration deadline in their second term at UCSC. Any student who fails to meet these requirements may file an appeal for admission to the major, but admission is not guaranteed.
Junior transfer students who are proposed in a different major (other than biochemistry and molecular biology) and have advanced standing when they come to UC Santa Cruz require permission from the department to change into the major. Admission to the major is not guaranteed.
Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process
Major Qualification
Students must complete each of the following qualification courses, or their equivalents, by their campus-established declaration deadline with a grade of C (2.0) or better and with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 or greater in these required courses:
| Either these courses | |
CHEM 3A | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 3B | General Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 3C | General Chemistry | 3 |
| or these courses | |
CHEM 4A | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
CHEM 4B | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
Plus these courses
Plus one of the following options:
MATH 11A | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
MATH 19A | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
Students must have taken CHEM 8B or be enrolled in it prior to the end of year two.
When pursuing major qualification, students should keep the following details in mind:
All courses must be taken for a letter grade. See the Letter Grade Policy below.
For courses required to qualify for the major that have been satisfied with advanced placement credit based on an AP examination score (See Admissions AP Chart), students may substitute a grade of A for each course when calculating their GPA.
Students who entered UC Santa Cruz as frosh with two or more grades of NP, C-, D+, D, D-, or F in courses required to qualify for the major are not eligible to declare.
Transfer students should also consult the Transfer Information and Policy section above.
How to Declare a Major
Students may declare a major as early as they would like if they have decided which major to pursue and have satisfied prerequisites or qualification requirements for the major.
Per the UC Santa Cruz major declaration policy, students who enter UCSC as frosh are required to be formally declared in a major by the campus deadline in their sixth quarter and before enrolling in their third year (or equivalent). Upper-division junior transfer students are required to be declared in a major by the deadline in their second term at UCSC.
Students should petition to declare a biochemistry major once they have met all qualification requirements (courses, GPA, etc), and/or reach your declaration deadline quarter, whichever comes first. Students need an official, signed, department-approved academic plan on file.
The Petition for Major/Minor declaration form can be accessed by going to MyUCSC and navigating to the Student Homepage and selecting the Undergraduate Student eForms tile > Petition for Major/Minor.
Students petitioning when the campus declaration deadline is imminent (i.e., in their sixth quarter, for students admitted as frosh, second quarter for junior transfer students), will either be approved, denied, or provided with conditions (e.g., completion of final qualification courses with certain grades), but will not be declared until all requirements have been met and satisfactory grades have been posted.
Each major/minor advising office has a process for declaring. For assistance with declaring the chemistry major, please contact chemistry and biochemistry advising at
Appeal Process
Students may appeal to the major either prior to or after submitting a petition to declare and being denied (in the latter case, appeals must be submitted within 15 days from the date the denial notification was sent). Within 15 days of receipt of the appeal being submitted, the department will notify the student and their affiliated college of the decision.
To appeal to declare the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology B.S. major, complete the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Major Appeal form via DocuSign.
To complete the major appeal form, you will need:
- An official Academic Plan (signed by the Chemistry major advisor)
- Unofficial Transcripts
- An Appeal Letter
Additional instructions can be found in the form.
Note: The information you share in your appeal or with your advisors will be kept confidential and shared only with campus officials as required to serve you in an advising capacity or process your appeal. However, in limited circumstances, including those related to potential harm to yourself or others, sexual assault, and abuse, we may be required by law to report incidents you disclose to other need-to-know offices on campus such as the Title IX Office and/or University of California Police Department. If you are in need of support for any issues, please see the list of confidential and/or support resources.
Letter Grade Policy
For all students entering UCSC in fall 2001 and later, all courses used to satisfy degree requirements in any of the chemistry and biochemistry majors must be taken for a letter grade. Additionally, letter grades of C or higher must be attained to meet major and minor requirements for graduation.
Course Substitution Policy
At least half of the upper-division courses (numbered 100–199) required for any biochemistry and molecular biology major must be taken through the chemistry or biology programs at UC Santa Cruz, not as transfer credits from another department or institution. Students are advised to contact the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department undergraduate advising office before enrolling in any chemistry or biochemistry upper-division courses at other institutions to verify articulation.
Independent Study Policy
BMB students who are considering independent research or wish to complete a thesis should contact Students who are participating in undergraduate research should consider taking BIOL 186L as their senior exit lab. BIOL 186L is hosted and controlled by the MCD Biology Department.
Double Majors and Major/Minor Combinations Policy
A student cannot double major/minor in BMB and any other major/minor offered by the departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology, or MCD Biology.
Department honors in the majors are awarded to graduating students whose academic performance demonstrates excellence at a GPA of 3.5–3.79 in required major coursework. Department highest honors are awarded to those students whose performance demonstrates the highest level of excellence and results in a GPA of 3.8 or above in required major coursework.
Materials Fee
Biochemistry and molecular biology students should be aware of the materials fee required for some laboratory courses. The fee is billed to the student’s account for specific laboratory materials purchased through the university. Students may incur additional expenses purchasing individual supplies.
Program Planning Notes
Students who do not begin the lower-division qualification course requirements during their first year, and who do not complete the organic chemistry requirements by the end of their second year, will have difficulty completing the program within four years. The BMB undergraduate academic advisor works closely with students interested in pursuing the major to ensure that they begin the program immediately and follow the appropriate steps toward completion.
It is strongly recommended that students avail themselves of the opportunities to obtain firsthand research experience through either independent study, a course-based undergraduate research experience, senior thesis research, or by working in a faculty research lab.
Program for Students of the Health Sciences
Students intending to enter medical, dental, or another health science professional school can satisfy entrance requirements with a major program in chemistry supplemented with further courses, especially in biology, as specified by the admissions requirements of the school where they intend to apply. Students are strongly encouraged to review the Pre-Health section of the Career Success website to review preparation recommendations, prerequisite and other information about professional health education programs (medical school, dental school, etc.), and more important information to assist in preparation for a career in health sciences.
Students are urged to contact Career Success for assistance with the application process.
Requirements and Planners
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Course Requirements
Lower-Division Courses
General Chemistry
| Either these courses | |
CHEM 3A | General Chemistry | 5 |
CHEM 3B | General Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 3C | General Chemistry | 3 |
CHEM 3BL | General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
CHEM 3CL | General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
| or these courses | |
CHEM 4A | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
CHEM 4B | Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity | 5 |
CHEM 4AL | Advanced General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
CHEM 4BL | Advanced General Chemistry Lab | 2 |
Note: This requirement may also be satisfied with prior completion of CHEM 1A, CHEM 1B, CHEM 1C, CHEM 1M, and CHEM 1N or equivalent.
Previous to July 1, 2023, the General Chemistry series, offered by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, was listed in the General Catalog as CHEM 1A, CHEM 1B and CHEM 1C, with associated laboratories CHEM 1M and CHEM 1N. As of academic year 2023-24, this series was replaced with two distinct series: CHEM 3A, CHEM 3B and CHEM 3C, with labs CHEM 3BL and CHEM 3CL, or CHEM 4A and CHEM 4B with labs CHEM 4AL and CHEM 4BL. Descriptions of these two series are given here.
| Either these courses | |
MATH 11A | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
MATH 11B | Calculus with Applications | 5 |
| or these courses | |
MATH 19A | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 19B | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
| Either this course | |
STAT 5 | Statistics | 5 |
| or these courses | |
STAT 7 | Statistical Methods for the Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences | 5 |
STAT 7L | Statistical Methods for the Biological, Environmental, and Health Sciences Laboratory | 2 |
Intro Biology
Organic Chemistry
| Either these courses | |
PHYS 5A | Introduction to Physics I | 5 |
PHYS 5B | Introduction to Physics II | 5 |
PHYS 5C | Introduction to Physics III | 5 |
PHYS 5L | Introduction to Physics I Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 5M | Introduction to Physics II Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 5N | Introduction to Physics Laboratory III | 1 |
| or these courses | |
PHYS 6A | Introductory Physics I | 5 |
PHYS 6B | Introductory Physics II | 5 |
PHYS 6C | Introductory Physics III | 5 |
PHYS 6L | Introductory Physics I Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 6M | Introductory Physics II Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 6N | Introductory Physics III Laboratory | 1 |
A student may combine the PHYS 5 series with the PHYS 6 series to complete this portion of the major requirement(s), while following the Physics Transition policies.
Upper-Division Courses
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
and one of these courses:
Cell Biology
Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
Physical Chemistry
BIOC 163A | Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 5 |
BIOC 163B | Biochemical Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 5 |
Senior Exit Lab
One of the following laboratory courses (also satisfies the Disciplinary Communication (DC) and Senior Comprehensive Requirement for graduation):
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy that major’s upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement in biochemistry and molecular biology is satisfied by completing one of the Senior Exit Lab options listed in the previous section.
The DC requirement must be satisfied at UC Santa Cruz and may not be transferred from another institution.
Comprehensive Requirement
Students must satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement by receiving a passing letter grade in any of the Senior Exit Lab options listed in the previous section. In addition, students are encouraged to gain research experience by working in a faculty research lab.
The sample academic plans below are for BMB major informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements section of the catalog for more information.
This is the ideal academic plan for those pursuing the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology B.S. major. Please see an academic advisor in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department to create your individualized official academic plan.
Sample Four-Year Planner
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
College 1A |
Summer Edge (optional) |
1st (frosh) |
or MATH 19A |
or MATH 19B
BIOL 20A |
CHEM 3A or
(not required if CHEM 4 series completed)
College 1 |
WRIT 1/WRIT 1E (if needed) |
2nd (soph) |
BIOE 20B |
PHYS 6B and PHYS 6M |
BIOL 20L* |
WRIT 2 (in or before 5th quarter) |
3rd (junior) |
BIOC 100A |
BIOC 100B |
BIOC 100C |
BIOL 105 |
BIOL 101L** |
MATH 22 (optional) |
4th (senior) |
BIOL 110 |
BIOC 163A***
BIOC 163B*** |
STAT 5 or
STAT 7 and STAT 7L
Senior Exit Lab****
BIOL 115
Senior Exit Lab****
Senior Exit Lab**** |
*Either CHEM 160J, or CHEM 161J may be substituted for BIOL 20L. These courses are taught in fall and require an application for enrollment.
**Either CHEM 160K, or CHEM 161K may be substituted for BIOL 101L. These courses are only taught in winter and require the completion of CHEM 160J, and CHEM 161J, respectively, and application for enrollment.
***CHEM 163A and CHEM 163B may be substituted for BIOC 163A and BIOC 163B. Note: the CHEM 163 series is taught fall and winter, respectively, while the BIOC 163 series is taught winter and spring, respectively. MATH 22 (taught only in winter and summer) is a prerequisite for CHEM 163A and CHEM 163B but is not a prerequisite for BIOC 163A and BIOC 163B.
****Senior Exit Lab should be completed as early as possible. Students should discuss options with their BMB advisor when academic planning 3rd- and 4th-year enrollments.
Four of the required general education requirements will be fulfilled by the major requirements listed in the above planner (MF, SI, SR, and DC). In addition to the specific courses shown in these planners, students will also need to complete courses satisfying the following general education requirements: Cross-Cultural Analysis, Ethnicity and Race, Interpreting Arts and Media, Textual Analysis, Perspectives, and Practice.
Sample Transfer Two-Year Planner
This is a sample academic plan for junior transfer students who completed all of the required and some of the highly recommended pre-transfer courses.
Note: Students who did not complete both the required and highly recommended courses prior to transfer will need to follow a different academic plan and may require additional time to degree. The following sample academic plan assumes completion of only the minimum transfer requirements. Please see an academic advisor in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department to create and review your specific official academic plan.
Sample Transfer Two-Year Planner
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
Summer Edge (optional) |
1st (junior) |
BIOC 100A |
BIOC 100B |
BIOC 100C |
BIOL 105 |
BIOL 101L |
PHYS 6C and PHYS 6N |
2nd (senior) |
BIOL 110 |
BIOC 163B |
or STAT 7 & STAT 7L |
BIOL 115 |
Senior Exit Lab |
UC Transfer Pathway courses:
General biology with lab (full introductory sequence) BIOL 20A, BIOE 20B, BIOL 20L
General chemistry with lab (one-year sequence) CHEM 4A & CHEM 4AL, CHEM 4B and CHEM 4BL (or CHEM 3A/CHEM 3B/CHEM 3C, and CHEM 3BL/CHEM 3CL)
Calculus for STEM majors MATH 11A or MATH 19A and MATH 11B or MATH 19B; MATH 22 (optional)
Organic chemistry with lab (one-year sequence) CHEM 8A and CHEM 8L, CHEM 8B and CHEM 8M
Courses are subject to being offered in different terms. Please check departmental websites for updates on course offerings.