Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

430 Physical Sciences Building
Telephone (831) 459-4719

Programs Offered

Microbiology B.S.

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology Contiguous Bachelor's/Master's Pathway

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology M.S.

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology Ph.D.

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology Designated Emphasis

Other Programs of Interest

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology Track within the Program in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (PBSE)

The Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (PBSE) reflects the interdisciplinary and collaborative nature of biomedical research at University of California, Santa Cruz. PBSE predoctoral fellows have the opportunity to study biology at the molecular, cellular, and systems levels, and can take advantage of advanced laboratory facilities, computational tools, and a highly collaborative research environment. First-year students select research rotations from more than 60 faculty members, who come primarily from the Departments of Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, Biomolecular Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology (METX). Students interested in this program apply directly to the METX track in the PBSE program.

Undergraduate Program

The METX Department offers a bachelor's degree in Microbiology. The B.S. major in microbiology is designed for students interested in careers in biomedical, environmental, and basic science fields in both industry and academia. Students must take introductory biology and chemistry, microbiology lecture and lab, biochemistry, computational tools, and additional courses directly relevant to microbiology. As a unique feature of this program, students also take a microbiology course focusing on evaluating relevant scientific articles.

Some undergraduate students work in conjunction with METX faculty on independent research projects. These projects can allow students access to extensive laboratory facilities, experience and mentorship. Students can leverage this experience toward their individual goals as academics and researchers.

Graduate Program

Graduate training in the Department of Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology prepares students to solve important problems in the field of environmental health by providing stimulating coursework, extensive scientific presentation training, and for the research-oriented Ph.D. and M.S. degrees, in-depth research that culminates in a Ph.D dissertation or M.S. thesis. This program educates students to understand the interplay between microbes, chemical toxins, and health. Graduate training prepares students to work effectively in a complex world, and become leaders in their field. Career paths include: academia, teaching, industry, and government to name a few.