Lower-Division Courses
Choose one of the following courses:
MATH 19A | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 20A | Honors Calculus | 5 |
Plus one of the following courses:
MATH 19B | Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics | 5 |
MATH 20B | Honors Calculus | 5 |
Plus all of the following courses:
MATH 23A | Vector Calculus | 5 |
MATH 23B | Vector Calculus | 5 |
PHYS 5A | Introduction to Physics I | 5 |
PHYS 5L | Introduction to Physics I Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 5B | Introduction to Physics II | 5 |
PHYS 5M | Introduction to Physics II Laboratory | 1 |
PHYS 5C | Introduction to Physics III | 5 |
PHYS 5N | Introduction to Physics Laboratory III | 1 |
PHYS 5D | Introduction to Physics IV | 5 |
Plus one of the following courses or equivalent:
ASTR 119 | Introduction to Scientific Computing | 5 |
CSE 20 | Beginning Programming in Python | 5 |
ASTR 19 | Practical Programming for the Sciences | 5 |
ASTR 119 is strongly recommended. A test-out option is available for CSE 20.
Plus one of the following options:
| Either this course | |
ASTR 21 | The Diverse Universe: Stars, Planets, and Galaxies | 5 |
| or these courses | |
| Introduction to Research in Physics and Astrophysics | 2 |
| Introduction to Research in Physics and Astrophysics | 3 |
Upper-Division Courses
All of the following courses:
MATH 21 and MATH 24 can substitute for PHYS 116A.
PHYS 116C is waived for students who are pursuing a dual major in physics (astrophysics) and mathematics B.A. or B.S., and take MATH 107 in Fall 2017 or later.
Plus one of the following options:
| Either this course | |
PHYS 135
/ASTR 135
| Astrophysics Advanced Laboratory | 5 |
| or these courses | |
/ASTR 135A
| Astrophysics Advanced Laboratory | 3 |
/ASTR 135B
| Astrophysics Advanced Laboratory | 2 |
| or this course | |
ASTR 136 | Advanced Astronomy Laboratory | 5 |
or any three of these courses | | |
ASTR 136A | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Astrometry | 2 |
ASTR 136B | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Galaxy Rotation Curves and Dark Matter | 2 |
ASTR 136C | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Stellar Photometry | 2 |
ASTR 136D | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Wavefront Measurement | 2 |
ASTR 136E | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Adaptive Optics | 2 |
ASTR 136G | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Detectors | 2 |
ASTR 136H | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Fourier Optics | 2 |
Capacity in the lab courses is limited, and they should be taken as early as possible. PHYS 135A and PHYS 135B are not scheduled to be offered in the next few years.
Complete three courses chosen from the following:
Students who are interested in going to graduate school in physics or astrophysics are recommended to complete PHYS 116D and PHYS 139B in addition to the courses above.
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy the upper-division disciplinary communication (DC) requirement. Students in the physics (astrophysics) major satisfy the DC requirement by completing one of the following options:
| Either this course | |
PHYS 182 | Scientific Communication for Physicists | 5 |
| or these courses | |
PHYS 195A | Senior Thesis I | 5 |
PHYS 195B | Senior Thesis II | 5 |
Students interested in doing a senior thesis should have found a faculty thesis adviser by the beginning of their senior year. They should contact physicsadvising@ucsc.edu or their faculty mentor if they need assistance.
Comprehensive Requirement
The comprehensive requirement is satisfied by completing one of the following options:
| Either this course | |
PHYS 135
/ASTR 135
| Astrophysics Advanced Laboratory | 5 |
| or these courses | |
/ASTR 135A
| Astrophysics Advanced Laboratory | 3 |
/ASTR 135B
| Astrophysics Advanced Laboratory | 2 |
| or this course | |
ASTR 136 | Advanced Astronomy Laboratory | 5 |
or any three of these courses | | |
ASTR 136A | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Astrometry | 2 |
ASTR 136B | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Galaxy Rotation Curves and Dark Matter | 2 |
ASTR 136C | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Stellar Photometry | 2 |
ASTR 136D | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Wavefront Measurement | 2 |
ASTR 136E | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Adaptive Optics | 2 |
ASTR 136G | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Detectors | 2 |
ASTR 136H | Advanced Astronomy Lab: Fourier Optics | 2 |
The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.
Physics (Astrophysics) B.S.: Freshman Academic Plan
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
1st (frosh) |
or MATH 20A |
or MATH 20B
MATH 23A |
PHYS 5A & PHYS 5L* |
2nd (soph) |
ASTR 119 |
PHYS 105 |
PHYS 116A |
PHYS 116C |
MATH 23B |
ASTR 21 |
3rd (junior) |
PHYS 110A |
PHYS 110B |
PHYS 102 |
PHYS 112 |
Elective |
PHYS 133 |
4th (senior) |
PHYS 135 |
PHYS 182** |
PHYS 139A |
Elective |
Elective |
*Students who complete the equivalent of MATH 19A before coming to UCSC can take the PHYS 5A, PHYS 5B, PHYS 5C courses and the MATH 19B, MATH 23A, MATH 23B courses in their first year.
**Students writing a senior thesis should replace PHYS 182 with the two-quarter sequence PHYS 195A and PHYS 195B.
In addition to the specific courses shown in this planner, a student must complete courses satisfying the ER, CC, IM, TA, PR and PE general education requirements.
Students looking for an alternative pathway through the major should consult the physics advisor.
Physics (Astrophysics) B.S.: Transfer Academic Plan One
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
1st (junior) |
MATH 23B |
ASTR 21 |
PHYS 105 |
PHYS 102 |
PHYS 116A |
PHYS 116C |
PHYS 133 |
ASTR 119 |
Elective |
2nd (senior) |
PHYS 110A |
PHYS 110B |
PHYS 182* |
PHYS 139A |
PHYS 112 |
Elective |
PHYS 135 |
Elective |
*Students writing a senior thesis should replace PHYS 182 with the two-quarter sequence PHYS 195A and PHYS 195B.
This planner assumes that a student has completed PHYS 5D and general education requirements.
Students who wish to do a more demanding senior thesis or seek greater flexibility in choosing electives or take additional courses to be better prepared for graduate school may consider delaying graduation.
Physics (Astrophysics) B.S.: Transfer Academic Plan Two
For students who have not completed the equivalent of PHYS 5D.
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
1st Year |
MATH 23B |
PHYS 102 |
PHYS 105 |
PHYS 116A |
PHYS 116C |
ASTR 119 |
ASTR 21 |
Elective |
2nd Year |
PHYS 110A |
PHYS 110B |
ASTR 136 or PHYS 135 |
PHYS 139A |
PHYS 112 |
PHYS 182* |
PHYS 133 |
Elective |
Elective |
*Students writing a senior thesis should replace PHYS 182 with the two-quarter sequence PHYS 195A and PHYS 195B.