Fieldwork in Education Programs

The M.A. in Education/California SB 2042 Preliminary Teacher Credential program provides students with necessary credential preparation for K–12 teaching in the California public schools. Preparation is offered for the Multiple Subject Preliminary credential (typically Grades K–6), and the Single Subject Preliminary credential (typically Grades 7–12) in the following subject areas: English, math, social science, and science. Credential students may also pursue a Bilingual Authorization in Spanish. Students pursuing the Education M.A./California Preliminary Credential must complete a three-quarter student teaching course sequence. Student teaching placements are restricted to enrolled students. The student-teaching sequence consists of five courses: Education 200, 201, 202A, 202B, and 202C. Fall and winter quarters of the sequence involve part-time placements in public schools in Santa Cruz County, Monterey County, and Santa Clara County. Spring quarter is a full-time experience in which student teachers take over full responsibility for the daily instructional program of the classroom in which they are placed. Substantial fieldwork in K–12 classrooms is also incorporated in other courses required for the teaching credential.

The minor in education is an undergraduate program in which students explore the history of educational thought and philosophy; the politics and economics of education, learning theory, and pedagogy; and issues of cultural and linguistic diversity related to schooling. As a part of the six-course minor sequence, students engage in field study in local schools through Education 180, Introduction to Teaching.

For more information, contact the Education Department.