Fields of Study Chart

Graduate Education 
   B.A. B.S.  Minor  Certificate  M.A/M.F.A.  M.S.  Ph.D. Designated
Anthropology x   x       x  
   Cultural Anthropology                
   Biological Anthropology             c    
Applied Economics and Finance                
Applied Linguistics and Multilingualism                
Applied Mathematics   x     x
Applied Physics                
   Computational Physics   c              
Art and Design: Games
and Playable Media
Assistive Technology
Astronomy and Astrophysics                
Astrophysics      x            
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology                



 x x           2, 8
Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics 2,3          x x   2, 3
   Bioinformatics   c              
   Biomolecular Engineering                
Biotechnology x                
Black Studies     x            
Business Management Economics x                
   Accounting  c
Chemistry2        2
Classical Studies              
Coastal Science and Policy              x  
Cognitive Science                
Community Studies                
Community-Based Action Research and Advocacy (CARA)       x          
Computational Media            x  
Computer Engineering    x x
   Computer Systems   c              
   Digital Hardware   c              
   Networks   c              
   Systems Programming   c              
Computer Science 4 x            
Computer Science: Computer Game Design
Computer Science and Engineering 4  
Creative Technologies x                
Critical Race and Ethnic Studies5             x
Data Science               x  
Digital Arts and New Media 3,6         (s)        
Earth Sciences 7         7
   Geophysics   c              
   Ocean Sciences                
   Planetary Sciences                
Earth Sciences / Anthropology Combined B.A.
East Asian Studies                
Ecology and Evolution                
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2, 8           x 2, 8
Economics / Mathematics Combined B.A.                
Education 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, 26         11, 18, 20, 26
   Bilingual-Multicultural Education                
   Multiple Subjects Credential (elementary)                
   Single Subjects Credential (secondary)                
Education, Democracy, and Justice11 x               11
Education: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics                
Electrical Engineering12
   Communications, Signals, Systems, and Controls                
Electrical and Computer Engineering 12             12
Environmental Art and Social Practice 13          x        
Environmental Sciences 7               7
Environmental Studies           x x  
   Conservation Science and Policy
   Geographic Information Systems
   Global Environmental Justice c                
Environmental Studies / Biology Combined B.A.                
Environmental Studies / Earth Sciences Combined B.A.14
Environmental Studies / Economics Combined B.A.
Feminist Studies15           (s)  
Film and Digital Media          
   Critical Studies                
   Integrated Critical Practice                
Games and Playable Media16           (s)       
Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Technologies,
Applications and Research
Global Economics                
Global and Community Health B.A. x                
Global and Community Health B.S.   x              
Global Information and Social Enterprise Studies                
History 1,17     (s)      17
   The Americas and Africa                
   Asia and the Pacific                
   Europe and the Mediterranean World                
History of Art and Visual Culture              
   Curation, Heritage, and Museums                
History of Consciousness              
Human Computer Interaction           x      
Human Language Media and Modeling                
Humanizing Technologies       x          
Italian Studies                
Jewish Studies              
Language Studies              
Latin American and Latino Studies18         18
   Language Intensive c                
Latin American and Latino Studies / Education Combined x                
Latin American and Latino Studies / Politics Combined
Latin American and Latino Studies / Sociology Combined
Legal Studies              
Linguistics 19         19
Literature 1, 20       20
   Creative/Critical Writing                
   Creative Writing                
   French Literature                
   General Literature                
   German Literature                
   Greek and Latin literatures                
   Italian Literature                
   Spanish/Latin American/Latino literatures                
Marine Biology                
Materials Science and Engineering           x x    
Mathematics 21 x x x   x   x   21
Mathematics Education x                
Mathematics: Theory and Computation   x              
Microbiology   x              
Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology 2   x       2
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology2           2
Middle Eastern and North African Studies     x            
Music 22            
   Contemporary Practices  c
   Global Musics  c
   Western Art Music  c
Music: Electronic Music                
Music: Jazz, Spontaneous Composition, and Improvisation                
Music: Western Art Music     x            
Natural Language Processing           x      
Network and Digital Technology                
Ocean Sciences              
   Biological Oceanography                
   Chemical Oceanography                
   Geological Oceanography                
   Physical Oceanography                
Philosophy 23 x       23
Physics 24       x   24
   Quantum Information Science c                
Physics (Astrophysics)                
Plant Sciences                
Psychology 1              
   Cognitive Psychology                
   Developmental Psychology                
   Social Psychology                
Robotics Engineering                
Robotics and Control               x  
Science Communication                
Scientific Computing               x  
Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics 25               25
Science Education26               26
Social Documentation 3              
   GISES Intensive c                
Spanish Studies   x            
   Languages and Linguistics                
   Literature and Culture                
Statistical Science 27           x   27
Sustainability Studies                
Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)       x          
Technology and Information Management        
Theater Arts            
   Design and Technology                
Visual Studies              
Visualizing Abolition Studies       x          

Combined majors. In addition, students may complete a combined major leading to a B.A. degree in a number of designated fields. Combined majors currently available include those in Earth sciences/anthropology, economics/mathematics, environmental studies/biology, environmental studies/Earth sciences, environmental studies/economics, Latin American and Latino studies/politics, and Latin American and Latino studies/sociology. Students also have the option of pursuing a double major.

c = concentration, or emphasis, within a program. Some programs give students the option of following a general course of study or selecting a concentration; other programs require students to choose a concentration. Consult the linked program.

1 An intensive major is also available.

2 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating an existing bachelor's degree from within the chemistry or biology programs (majors administered by the departments of MCD Biology, EE Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Biomolecular engineering) and the M.S. in microbiology and environmental toxicology.3 A Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree is awarded in digital arts and new media, social documentation, and environmental art and social practice.

3 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the biomolecular engineering and bioinformatics bachelor's degree (bioinformatics concentration) with the master's degree.

A five-year contiguous bachelor’s/master’s pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in computer science and engineering.

A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degree in critical race and ethnic studies and the MA/Credential Master's in education.

Admission to DANM MFA suspended for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 academic years. 

7 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating existing bachelor's degree in Earth sciences or environmental sciences and the M.S. degree in Earth sciences.

8 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degrees and the ecology and evolutionary biology M.A.

The state of California does not allow academic majors in education that lead to a teaching credential. Instead, we offer an undergraduate major in education, democracy and justice and two minors in education for students who are considering a career in teaching or who hold a more general interest in educational studies. Please note that the major and minors in education do not provide a California Teaching Credential. Additionally, please note that the UC Santa Cruz teaching credential program is a graduate program and coursework taken in the major or minor cannot be substituted for credential requirements, except in specifically designated pathways.

10 UCSC offers the professional clear Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) and Bilingual Cross-Cultural, Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) multiple subjects credentials, which are used in self-contained elementary classrooms (K-6) where all subjects are taught by the same teacher. UCSC also offers the CLAD and BCLAD single subjects credentials, which are used in departmentalized settings where the teacher is responsible for one subject (7-12).

11 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degree and the M.A/Credential Master's in Education.

12 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degrees and M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

13 A Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree is awarded in digital arts and new media, social documentation, and environmental art and social practice.

14 Environmental Studies / Earth Sciences Combined B.A. discontinued beginning Fall 2024.

15 Admission for the Feminist Studies Ph.D. suspended for the 2024-25 academic year.

16 Admissions to the Games and Playble Media Professional M.S. suspended for the 24-25 academic year.

17. Admissions for the History M.A. suspended through the 2025-26 academic year.

18. A four-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degree in Latin American and Latino Studies and the M.A/Credential Master's in Education..

19 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degree and master's degree in linguistics.

20 A four-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degree in Literature and the M.A/Credential Master's in Education.

21 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's and master's degree in mathematics.

22 A Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degree in music also available. A Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) degree in composition is also available.

23 A five year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the exiting bachelor's and master's degree in philosophy.

24 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degree and master's degree in physics. Students in the B.S./M.S. path can pursue concentrations in material and device physics, energy and the environment, computational physics, and medical biophysics.

25 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating existing bachelor's degrees in applied mathematics, mathematics, computer science, robotics engineering, physics, applied physics, physics (astrophysics), and the M.S. in scientific computing and applied mathematics.

26 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating the existing bachelor's degree in science education and the M.A/Credential Master's in Education.

27 A five-year contiguous bachelor's/master's pathway is available coordinating existing bachelor's degrees and the M.S. in Statistical Science.


B.A. = Bachelor of Arts
B.M. = Bachelor of Music
B.S. = Bachelor of Science
D.M.A. = Doctor of Musical Arts
Ed.D = Doctor of Education
M.A. = Master of Arts
M.F.A. = Master of Fine Arts
M.S. = Master of Science
Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy