Information and Policies
Students in the general film and digital media (FDM) major develop an understanding of major movements in world cinema and different aesthetic approaches to the medium while studying the cultural impact of television and the rise of video and digital art in recent decades.
The integrated critical practice concentration is designed for film and digital media majors who have a special aptitude for and interest in combining work in critical studies and production. The concentration provides them with a more rigorous pathway through the major and, in their senior year, allows them to work on a senior project that integrates creative and intellectual work.
Students in all facets of the major acquire skills in media analysis while maintaining a broadly based, liberal arts perspective.
Students enrolled in film and digital media production classes have access to audio, video, and digital production and postproduction equipment. Facilities include a digital media lab; stop-motion animation lab audio recording studio; sound stage with green screen; motion capture facility; digital nonlinear editing rooms; video format conversion rooms; a computerized sound effects library; and student equipment checkout. Additionally, computer laboratories equipped for digital image manipulation, web authoring, and interactive interface design and viewing rooms are available. The critical studies facilities include classrooms equipped for high-end film, video, and data projection. The library holdings in film and video history, theory, and literature are complemented by a large collection of films, videos, laser disks, and DVDs, including a diverse range of international feature films, experimental film and video work, animation, silent films, and documentaries.
Some courses offered by the Film and Digital Media Department are restricted in enrollment; admission is based on the completion of prerequisites and other specific written application requirements.
Upper-division digital media and production studio courses require coursework to be completed on computers. Instruction in and software for production courses utilizes the macOS platform and primarily consists of Apple and Adobe video production software packages. Many University of California, Santa Cruz, students purchase laptop computers. Film and digital media students who are considering purchasing a laptop computer for production work are encouraged to consult with the department’s operations staff. A list of recommended computer configurations and information regarding education pricing on software packages is available on the Film and Digital Media website.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students who earn a B.A. in the film and digital media major will gain the skills, knowledge, and understanding that will enable them to:
- Demonstrate their ability to employ research skills, including the use of appropriate print and technology sources in the discipline, to construct effective arguments.
- Demonstrate that they understand the pre-production, production, and postproduction digital media and filmmaking process.
- Demonstrate the relationship between different types of form and meaning through the creation of film and digital media projects or the critical analysis of them.
- Demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively to produce a film or digital media project.
- Demonstrate broad knowledge of film and media history internationally.
- Demonstrate scholarly writing skills appropriate to the discipline of film and digital media.
- Demonstrate an ability to analyze, interpret, and critique films and media from a variety of theoretical perspectives using the critical vocabulary and methodologies of the discipline.
- Demonstrate their ability to articulate and defend their research and practice in a critical environment.
Academic Advising for the Program
Academic advising for the film and digital media major is done via email and advising appointments. Please email and refer to the department's website for the most up-to-date advising information.
Transfer students should review the Transfer Information and Policy Section.
Getting Started in the Major: First-Year Students
For information about getting started in the film and digital media major please see the Getting Started in the Major guide for first-year students.
This major is not highly sequential or course intensive. Students may begin taking courses toward the major in the first year, but it is not required.
Transfer Information and Policy
Transfer Admission Screening Policy
Film and digital media is a non-screening major. Students planning to apply in this major are not required to complete specific major preparation courses for consideration of admission to UC Santa Cruz.
Transfer students can finish the film and digital media general major requirements within two years. While not required for admission, transfer students are encouraged to complete UCSC general education requirements or the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) prior to transferring.
Getting Started in the Major: Transfer Students
To meet major qualifications, all major qualification courses (FILM 20A, AND either FILM 20B or FILM 20C) must be completed by the end of their first quarter in residence.
A maximum of two courses from another department or institution may be substituted if articulated through or approved by Film and Digital Media faculty. At least one of the major qualification courses must be taken at UCSC.
Transfer students are strongly encouraged to participate in the campus orientation programs, connect with the undergraduate advisor, and utilize transfer-focused campus partners like STARS upon their arrival.
Major Qualification Policy and Declaration Process
Major Qualification
Students must complete two courses: FILM 20A, AND either FILM 20B or FILM 20C with letter grades of C or better or P grades to qualify for the film and digital media major. Letter grades of C- or below, and NP grades, may not be used to fulfill the major qualification requirements.
At least one of the major qualification courses must be taken at UC Santa Cruz.
FILM 20A | Introduction to Film Studies | 5 |
| AND | |
| Either one of these courses | |
FILM 20B | Introduction to Television Studies | 5 |
FILM 20C | Introduction to Digital Media | 5 |
Appeal Process
Students may appeal a negative decision within 15 days by submitting an appeal letter to the film and digital media undergraduate advisor. The department will notify the student of the outcome within 15 days of receipt of the appeal.
How to Declare a Major
Students must submit a petition to declare and complete the major declaration workshop as soon as they complete the major qualification requirements or reach their declaration deadline quarter (whichever comes first).
Please see the department’s website for details on the process for submitting the petition to declare and completing the declaration of major workshop.
Students petitioning to declare when the campus declaration deadline is imminent (i.e., in their sixth quarter, for students admitted as frosh; in their second quarter, for students admitted as junior transfers), will either be approved, denied, or provided with conditions (e.g., completion of some courses with certain grades) that will be resolved within at most one more enrolled quarter, even if they have not completed major qualification (MQ) courses.
Acceptance into the film and digital media major does not constitute acceptance into a concentration.
Letter Grade Policy
Letter grades of C or better or P grades are required in the major requirement courses (See Major Qualification above). Letter grades of C- or below, or NP grades, may not be used to fulfill the major's requirements. Students must follow the campus policy on grading requirements, including the P/NP grading policy.
Course Substitution Policy
A maximum of two courses from another department or institution may be substituted if articulated through or approved by Film and Digital Media faculty.
Study Abroad
The department strongly encourages students to explore studying abroad while attending UC Santa Cruz. Please see the UCSC Global Learning website for more information and consult with the undergraduate advisor as early as possible to discuss planning.
Film and digital media has unique department-based exchanges with the University of Sussex in England and the University of Bergen in Norway. UCSC Global Seminars taught by our Film and Digital Media faculty in Italy and Morocco are also offered. Students in these programs may be allowed an additional substitution for participation in these programs. Please see the Film and Digital Media Department's website for more information.
Honors in film and digital media are awarded to graduating seniors who meet or exceed a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in the required major courses.
Three-Year Pathway
The Film and Digital Media Department has designed a three-year pathway for students who want to complete their film and digital media B.A. in three years. It is an intensive program that includes all of the courses for the current film and digital media general major as well as all general education requirements and electives required for the university. The three-year pathway is designed for the FDM general major; completing a concentration is not feasible for a three-year pathway. Students should begin the FDM general major three-year pathway in their first year to be able to complete the required courses in three years. A sample planner can be found on the university advising website. For more information, contact the Film and Digital Media undergraduate advisor.
Critical Studies and Production Pathways
For students interested in pursuing a focused area of study, the film and digital media major offers unique pathways embedded within the general major in critical studies and in production. If interested in pursuing these specialized academic plans, please contact the undergraduate advisor as early as possible.
General Film and Digital Media Major
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The film and digital media general major requires:
- Three lower-division courses
- Ten upper-division courses
- At least one of the upper-division courses must meet the department's diversity requirement
- Satisfaction of the senior comprehensive requirement
- Satisfaction of the Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement.
Course Requirements
Lower-Division Courses
Take the following course:
Plus two additional 20-level courses:
FILM 20B | Introduction to Television Studies | 5 |
FILM 20C | Introduction to Digital Media | 5 |
FILM 20P | Introduction to Production Technique | 5 |
FILM 20P cannot be used toward declaring the major.
Upper-Division Courses
Core Curriculum
The core curriculum consists of the following course, plus one course from each of the three groups below.
One course from each of the following three groups:
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Plus the Diversity Requirement
Students take at least one course from the following list focusing on non-Western perspectives, races, ethnicities, genders, classes, sexualities, or abilities. The course chosen will satisfy the Diversity Requirement along with its respective category of the Core Curriculum or upper-division elective requirement.
Non-FILM courses on this list will count toward the two-course maximum outlined in the Course Substitution Policy.
Students may submit a petition to the department to have other courses reviewed to satisfy the diversity requirement. Please send course syllabi to for review.
Plus one course from the following to satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement:
Five upper-division elective courses are to meet the following criteria:
- up to five additional upper-division critical studies courses in film and digital media (see Integrated Critical Practice Concentration for a list of upper-division critical studies courses);
- up to two upper-division courses in film and digital media production (see Integrated Critical Practice Concentration for a list of upper-division production courses)
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy that major’s upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement.
The DC requirement is met by passing one course from each of the two following categories:
First Category
Second category:
Comprehensive Requirement
Senior Seminar
Seniors in the general film and digital media major satisfy the comprehensive requirement with one of the following senior-level classes.
The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.
Plan One is a guideline for students beginning the major early in the first term of their academic career.
Plan Two is a guideline for students considering the major after their first term.
Students following either plan are able to meet the campus' major declaration deadline and complete their degree in four years. In addition to the specific courses shown in these planners, a student must complete courses satisfying the UC Santa Cruz general education and degree requirements.
Plan One
* WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
Plan Two
Year |
Fall |
Winter |
Spring |
Summer |
Entering |
College 1A |
Summer Edge (optional) |
1st (frosh) |
FILM 80 |
WRIT 1/WRIT 1E (if needed) |
FILM 20B |
2nd (soph) |
FILM 20A |
FILM 20C |
FILM 120 |
WRIT 2* |
FILM 130 or
FILM 132 or
FILM 134 or
FILM 136 |
3rd (jr) |
FILM 130 or
FILM 132 or
FILM 134 or
FILM 136 |
FILM 130 or
FILM 132 or
FILM 134 or
FILM 136 |
FILM upper-division elective |
FILM upper-division elective |
FILM upper-division elective |
4th (sr) |
FILM upper-division elective
(diversity requirement)
FILM upper-division elective |
FILM 194 or
FILM 196 or
FILM 197 |
* WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
Two-Year Transfer Planner
General education requirements can be satisfied with Film and Digital Media courses are: IM, ER, CC, PE-T, PR-E, PR-C, DC.
General education requirements not satisfied with Film and Digital Media courses are: MF, SI, SR, TA, C
Integrated Critical Practice Concentration
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The integrated critical practice concentration (ICPC) provides a rigorous pathway beyond the general major requirements. ICPC offers classes specifically reserved for seniors with exceptional abilities in both critical studies and production who seek to combine creative and scholarly work. The concentration consists of three lower-division and 13 upper-division courses. The senior comprehensive requirement and the disciplinary communication requirement are included within the 13 upper-division courses.
Admission to the integrated critical practice concentration will be granted to students who have excellent grades in film and digital media courses, an outstanding writing sample, a clear statement of purpose outlining a senior project that integrates critical studies and production work, and a strong Film and Digital Media faculty endorsement.
Students are eligible to apply for the integrated critical practice concentration in the last quarter of their junior year. Students may apply a second time if not accepted, but not later than the first quarter of their senior year.
Application materials and instructions are available on the department's website. Student application materials are reviewed by a committee of Film and Digital Media faculty.
ICPC course requirements at the time of application:
- Completed or are currently enrolled in FILM 120
- Completed or are currently enrolled in at least three other upper-division critical studies classes
- Completed FILM 170A or FILM 170B
- Completed one other course from the 150 or 170 series
- Declared film and digital media major
- In good academic standing.
ICPC application materials:
- Completed application form
- One-page statement of purpose
- Sample essay
- Statement of support from FDM faculty (submitted directly to the department undergraduate advisor)
Course Requirements
Lower-Division Courses
Take the following course:
Plus two additional 20-level courses
FILM 20B | Introduction to Television Studies | 5 |
FILM 20C | Introduction to Digital Media | 5 |
FILM 20P | Introduction to Production Technique | 5 |
FILM 20P cannot be used toward declaring the major
Upper-Division Courses
Students in the integrated critical practice concentration complete the following required upper-division core curriculum:
One course from each of the following five groups
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 4:
FILM 170A | Fundamentals of Digital Media Production | 5 |
FILM 170B | Fundamentals of Film and Video Production | 5 |
Group 5:
Two courses to satisfy the senior comprehensive requirement:
The following course:
Plus one of the following courses:
Five upper-division elective courses to be chosen from the following:
Two upper-division critical studies courses
In film and digital media chosen from the following:
Three upper-division production courses
In film and digital media chosen from the following:
Graduate seminars, taken with the permission of the faculty advisor, may substitute for one of the electives.
A maximum of two major requirements may be taken in another department or another institution if pre-approved by the Film and Digital Media Department.
Disciplinary Communication (DC) Requirement
Students of every major must satisfy that major’s upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement.
The DC requirement is met by passing one course from each of the two following categories:
First category
Second category
Comprehensive Requirement
One of the following courses
Seniors in the integrated critical practice concentration must complete one of the following courses:
Plus the following course
The tables below are for informational purposes and do not reflect all university, general education, and credit requirements. See Undergraduate Graduation Requirements for more information.
The following are two recommended academic plans for students pursuing the integrated critical practice concentration for the film and digital media major.
Plan One is a guideline for students pursuing the major, beginning in the first term of their academic career.
Plan Two is for students who begin pursuing the major after their first term.
Students who are interested in the integrated critical practice concentration should consider Plan One to be better prepared for application to production studio classes in their junior year. Four-year students following Plan Two should be able to pursue a concentration and still meet their expected graduation term.
In addition to the specific courses shown in these planners, a student must complete courses satisfying the UC Santa Cruz general education and degree requirements.
Plan One
* WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
Plan Two
* WRIT 2 should be taken in or before spring quarter of the second year.
Two-Year Transfer Planner
The following general education requirements can be satisfied with Film and Digital Media courses: IM, ER, CC, PE-T, PR-E, PR-C, DC.
General education requirements not satisfied with Film and Digital Media courses are: MF, SI, SR, TA, C.