Survey of radiative processes of astrophysical importance from radio waves to gamma rays. The interaction of radiation with matter: radiative transfer, emission, and absorption. Thermal and non-thermal processes, including bremsstrahlung, synchrotron radiation, and Compton scattering. Radiation in plasmas. Enrollment is by permission of the instructor.
Explores how physical conditions in astrophysical objects can be diagnosed from their spectra. Discussion topics include how energy flows determine the thermal state of radiating objects and how the physics of radiative transfer can explain the emergent spectral characteristics of stars, accretion disks, Lyman-alpha clouds, and microwave background. (Formerly Astrophysical Flows.)
Lectures and seminar-style course intended to integrate new graduate students into the department; to introduce students to the research and interests of department faculty; and to expose graduate students to teaching skills and classroom techniques. (Formerly Introduction to Astronomical Research.)
For graduate students interested in mentoring undergraduate students through research. Graduate students design an original research project and lead a small group of undergraduates through it while learning how to adapt the project to the dynamic needs and skills of their students. This course creates a structured but realistic framework for graduate students to develop their mentoring skills, which is critical to their professional development. By needing to communicate the important aspects of conducting research, communicating results, and maintaining research integrity, students cultivate and strengthen their own values as a researcher. This is a continuing class that spans both winter and spring quarters, for a total of 10 credits. Because research projects will span both quarters, students must enroll in both quarters. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students and is by permission of the instructor.
Survey of some principal areas of research on the origin and growth of cosmic structures and galaxies: the dark ages; 21cm tomography; first galaxies; first stars and seed black holes; reionization and chemical enrichment of the intergalactic medium; the assembly of massive galaxies; quasi-stellar sources; interactions of massive black holes with their environment; extragalactic background radiation; numerical simulations and the nature of the dark matter; the dark halo of the Milky Way.
Introduces graduate students to practical and efficient research methodology. Covers best practices in coding and code development, documentation of research, project management, preprint and journal article writing and submission, professional presentation preparation, and grant writing. Introduces more advanced techniques through experiential learning research projects developed in collaboration with the instructor. Prerequisite(s):
ASTR 202, ASTR 204, ASTR 205, and ASTR 257. Students must take ASTR 215 from an instructor outside their Ph.D. specialty, and requires permission of the instructor to enroll.
Survey of stellar structure and evolution.Physical properties of stellar material. Convective and radiative energy transport. Stellar models and evolutionary tracks through all phases. Brown dwarfs and giant planets. Comparison with observations. (Formerly Stellar Structure and Evolution.)
Theory and observations of protoplanetary disks. Origin and evolution of the solar nebula. Formation and evolution of the terrestrial planets and the giant planets. (Formerly Planetary Formation and Evolution.)
High-energy astrophysics and the final stages of stellar evolution: supernovae, binary stars, accretion disks, pulsars; extragalactic radio sources; active galactic nuclei; black holes. (Formerly Physics of Compact Objects)
Fundamental physical theory of gaseous nebulae and the interstellar medium. Ionization, thermal balance, theory and observation of emission spectra. Interstellar absorption lines, extinction by interstellar dust. Ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio spectra of gaseous nebulae.
Advanced survey of topics in cosmology and galaxy formation. Appropriate for graduate students and undergraduates with a significant background in physics and astronomy. Topics include modern physical cosmology, curved space-times, observational tests of cosmology, the early universe, dark matter, the emergence of cosmic structure and the formation and evolution of galaxies. Enrollment is by permission of the instructor.
Introduces probability and statistics in data analysis with emphasis on astronomical applications. Topics include probability, Bayes' theorem, statistics, error analysis, correlation, hypothesis testing, parameter estimation, surveys, time-series analysis, surface distributions, and image processing. Students learn to identify the appropriate statistical technique to apply to an astronomical problem and develop a portfolio of analytic and computational techniques that they can apply to their own research.
Structure and evolutionary histories of nearby galaxies. Stellar populations, galactic dynamics, dark matter, galactic structure and mass distributions. Peculiar galaxies and starbursting galaxies. Structure and content of the Milky Way. Evolution of density perturbations in the early universe. Hierarchical clustering model for galaxy formation and evolution. (Formerly Galactic and Extragalactic Stellar Systems.)
Introduction to observational astronomy, with a multi-day field trip to Lick Observatory. Students learn the fundamentals of: (1) planning and executing observational projects; (2) manipulating and interpreting raw astronomical data with standard tools and algorithms; (3) presenting their observations in a standard written format that is appropriate for publication; and (4) observatory operations and career-paths. Enrollment is restricted to astronomy graduate students. Non-astronomy graduate students may petition the instructor for enrollment approval.
An introduction to astronomical instrumentation for infrared and visible wavelengths. Topics include instrument requirements imposed by dust, atmosphere, and telescope; optical, mechanical, and structural design principles and components; electronic and software instrument control. Imaging cameras and spectrographs are described. Offered in alternate academic years.
Introduction to adaptive optics and its astronomical applications. Topics include effects of atmospheric turbulence on astronomical images, basic principles of feedback control, wavefront sensors and correctors, laser guide stars, how to analyze and optimize performance of adaptive optics systems, and techniques for utilizing current and future systems for astronomical observations.
Seminar attended by faculty, graduate students, and upper-division undergraduate students.
Training for following daily progress in astrophysical research to keep pace with the rapidly evolving scientific field. Students learn how to select and read interesting papers (that span a wide range of topics) efficiently and how to summarize their key results. Students have an opportunity to practice presentation skills in an informal group discussion setting.
Teaches fundamental skills for scientific research in the context of coursework. Course has two branches: an instructor-intensive hands-on research training in an area beyond the thesis; and an instructor-led literature review. The research branch involves short, quarter-long projects with faculty that are designed to introduce skills and concepts broadly applicable to research but within a focused science domain. The literature branch involves short review projects for building expertise in evaluating literature, writing papers, refereeing articles, and reviewing grants and proposals.
Independent study or research for graduate students who have not yet begun work on their theses. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students.
Independent study or research for graduate students who have not yet begun work on their theses. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students.
Independent study or research for graduate students who have not yet begun work on their theses. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students.
Independent study or research for graduate students who have not yet begun work on their theses. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students.
Depends on faculty sponsor