ANTH 130J | Politics and Statemaking in Latin America | 5 |
ANTH 130L | Ethnographies of Latin America | 5 |
ANTH 130M | Inside Mexico | 5 |
ANTH 130P | Ethnography of Southern Cone Chile and Argentina | 5 |
ANTH 130U | Central America | 5 |
ANTH 176B | Meso-American Archaeology | 5 |
ANTH 176D | Colonial Encounters in the Americas | 5 |
ECON 148 | Latin American Economies | 5 |
ENVS 154 | Amazonian Cultures and Conservation | 5 |
FILM 165E | Chicana/o Cinema, Video | 5 |
FMST 115 | Gender, Sexuality, and Transnational Migration Across the Americas | 5 |
FMST 124 | Technology, Science, and Race Across the Americas | 5 |
FMST 175 | Gender and Sexualities in Latina/o America | 5 |
HAVC 140D | Chicano/Chicana Art: 1970-Present | 5 |
HAVC 143C | Latin American Modern Architecture | 5 |
HAVC 144A | Latin American Art and Visual Culture | 5 |
HAVC 160A | Indigenous American Visual Culture Before 1550: Mexico | 5 |
HAVC 160B | Indigenous American Visual Culture Before 1550: The Andes | 5 |
HAVC 162A | Special Studies in Early Indigenous American Visual Culture: The Ancient Maya | 5 |
HAVC 162B | Special Studies in Early Indigenous American Visual Culture: The Inka | 5 |
HAVC 163 | The Native in Colonial Spanish America | 5 |
HAVC 165 | Indigenous Artists and the Borderland Missions | 5 |
HAVC 190T | Topics in Pre- and Post-Columbian Visual Culture | 5 |
HAVC 191B | The Virgin of Guadalupe: Images and Symbolism in Spain, Mexico, and the U.S | 5 |
HIS 124A | Panama Canal and U.S. Empire | 5 |
HIS 128 | Chicana/Chicano History | 5 |
HIS 130 | History of Modern Cuba | 5 |
HIS 131 | Women in Colonial Latin America | 5 |
HIS 134A | Colonial Mexico | 5 |
HIS 134B | History of Mexico, 1850 to Present | 5 |
HIS 185I | Latin American Jewish History in the Modern Period | 5 |
HIS 185L | Where Civilizations Met--Jews, Judaism, and the Iberian Peninsula | 5 |
HIS 190A | Slavery and Race in Latin America | 5 |
HIS 190B | Race and the Nation in Latin America | 5 |
HIS 190D | Asian and Latino Immigration Since 1875 | 5 |
HIS 190T | Latin America in the Cold War | 5 |
HISC 136 | Latin American Thought | 5 |
LALS 100 | Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latina/o Studies | 5 |
LALS 100A | Social Science Analytics | 5 |
LALS 100B | Cultural Theory in the Americas | 5 |
LALS 112 | Immigration and Assimilation | 5 |
LALS 115 | Mexico-United States Migration | 5 |
LALS 122 | Media and Nationalism | 5 |
LALS 127 | Genero, Nacion Y Modernidad En El Cine | 5 |
LALS 128 | Latino Media in the U.S | 5 |
LALS 129 | America Latina: Cine, Dictadura y Memoria | 5 |
LALS 129S | Memoria en Las Americas | 5 |
LALS 130 | Expresiones cuirs de Genero y Sexualidad en el cine Latinoamericano | 5 |
LALS 131 | Latino Literatures: Assimilation and Assimilability | 5 |
LALS 133 | Latina/o Art and Representation | 5 |
LALS 135 | El Salvador: Expresiones Culturales | 5 |
LALS 143 | Race and Ethnicity | 5 |
LALS 144 | Mexicana/Chicana Histories | 5 |
LALS 145 | Grassroots Social Change in Latin America | 5 |
LALS 149 | Whiteness in Latin America | 5 |
LALS 150 | Afro-Latinos/as: Social, Cultural, and Political Dimensions | 5 |
LALS 152 | Consumer Cultures Between the Americas | 5 |
LALS 155 | Latin American and Latino Youth Movements | 5 |
LALS 156 | Human Rights and Transitional Justice in the Americas | 5 |
LALS 157 | Revoluciones Sociales | 5 |
LALS 158 | Latin American Political Economy | 5 |
LALS 165 | Contemporary Peru | 5 |
LALS 168 | Inter-American Solidarities | 5 |
LALS 169 | South America: History, Society, and Culture | 5 |
LALS 170 | Indigenous Struggles in the Americas | 5 |
LALS 172 | Visualizing Human Rights | 5 |
LALS 175 | Migration, Gender, and Health | 5 |
LALS 178 | Gender, Transnationalism, and Globalization | 5 |
LALS 180 | Borders: Real and Imagined | 5 |
LALS 194A | Immigrant Storytelling | 5 |
LALS 194B | Global Migration and Displacement | 5 |
LALS 194G | Chile: Social and Political Change | 5 |
LALS 194H | Central America and the United States | 5 |
LALS 194M | Twentieth-Century Revolutions | 5 |
LALS 194R | Violencia Cotidiana en las Americas | 5 |
LIT 114B | Don Quixote de la Mancha | 5 |
LIT 124B | The Contemporary Latin American Short Story | 5 |
LIT 149F | Contemporary Mexican Narrative | 5 |
LIT 155E | Cinema and Social Change in Latin America | 5 |
LIT 165A | Chicano/Mexicano Geographies | 5 |
LIT 165B | Latino Fictions of the Americas | 5 |
LIT 165C | Mesoamerican Indigenous/Indigenista Literature | 5 |
LIT 188A | Literatura medieval | 5 |
LIT 188B | Literatura peninsular: de los orígenes al siglo XVIII | 5 |
LIT 188E | Teatro del Siglo de Oro español | 5 |
LIT 188F | Cuentos del Siglo de Oro español | 5 |
LIT 188G | Literaturay vida en Don Quijote y otros textos cervantinos | 5 |
LIT 188H | Erotismo y Mistica | 5 |
LIT 188I | La novela picaresca | 5 |
LIT 188L | Literatura de la guerra civil española | 5 |
LIT 188M | Literatura peninsular: siglos XIX y XX | 5 |
LIT 188R | Humanidades Ambientales | 5 |
LIT 188Z | Literatura de España | 5 |
LIT 189A | De la conquista a Sor Juana | 5 |
LIT 189B | El Siglo XIX en America Latina: cultura, política y sociedad | 5 |
LIT 189C | Introducción a Spanish Studies | 5 |
LIT 189D | Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz | 5 |
LIT 189E | Cuba | 5 |
LIT 189F | Literaturas Latinas en los Estados Unidos: en inglés, español y Spanglish | 5 |
LIT 189G | Cine y Literatura | 5 |
LIT 189H | La Globalizacion en/del Cine Latin/o Americano | 5 |
LIT 189I | Literatura e indigeneidad | 5 |
LIT 189K | El ensayo latinoamericano | 5 |
LIT 189L | Poesía latinoamericana | 5 |
LIT 189M | Prosa contemporánea hispanoamericana | 5 |
LIT 189N | Latinoamericano testimonio | 5 |
LIT 189O | El Cuento Hispanoamericano: Variedades esteticas de la literatura breve en America Latina | 5 |
LIT 189P | Las mujeres en la literatura latinoamericana | 5 |
LIT 189Q | Ficción y marginalidad | 5 |
LIT 189R | La Novela de la Dictadura | 5 |
LIT 189S | La cultura popular en la narrativa latinoamericana | 5 |
LIT 189T | Historia de la lectura y los lectores: Recepcion y consumo cultural en el mundo Latino Americano | 5 |
LIT 189U | Modernidad y literatura: El Boom de la novela latinoamericana | 5 |
LIT 189V | Andean Indigenismo | 5 |
LIT 189X | Estudios mediaticos | 5 |
LIT 189Z | Literatura de Chile | 5 |
LIT 190X | Temas de la literatura y cultura espanolas y latinoamericanas | 5 |
POLI 140C | Latin American Politics | 5 |
POLI 144 | Andean Politics | 5 |
POLI 190V | States in the Global South | 5 |
SOCY 156 | U.S. Latinx Identities: Centers and Margins | 5 |
SOCY 177A | Latinos/as and the American Global City | 5 |
SPAN 114 | Advanced Conversation and Composition | 5 |
SPAN 140 | Sounds of Spanish | 5 |
SPAN 141 | Advanced Spanish Grammar | 5 |
SPAN 150 | Topics in Hispanic Linguistics: Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics | 5 |
SPAN 151 | Topics in Hispanic Linguistics: Varieties of Spanish | 5 |
SPAN 152 | Topics in Hispanic Linguistics: Spanish in the U.S. | 5 |
SPAN 153 | Topics in Hispanic Linguistics: Spanish as a Second Language | 5 |
SPAN 154 | Topics in Hispanic Linguistics: Spanish Pragmatics | 5 |
SPAN 156A | The Language of Latin America Cinema | 5 |
SPAN 156E | Spanish Culture | 5 |
SPAN 156F | El Humor en Espanol | 5 |
SPAN 156J | Contemporary Central America | 5 |
SPAN 156K | Spanish Discourse Analysis | 5 |
SPAN 156L | Society and Sustainability in Latin America | 5 |
SPAN 156M | Mexico and the Southwest | 5 |
SPHS 115 | El ensayo lectura, analisis y redaccion | 5 |